Book a screening of This Is It for mjjcommunity?

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Folks is there anyone in the north who prefers not to travel down to London for this. Anyone wanting to watch this in Manchester/Liverpool, put your hands up here.......

1. Angel Cake
See, it ain't all about London, lol.

I'm slap bang in the middle so it's far to travel either way :)
I'd go to Manchester it would be to expensive for me to go to London
I'd go to Manchester it would be to expensive for me to go to London

Now we're talking. I'll ring the Trafford Centre cinema and Liverpool One and see what they say.

Liverpool/MCR list:

1. Angel Cake
2. clairebear
3. Thriller_MJ
I think this should be the official one. It's fine to hold specific ones in different areas but make sure you don't call Sony and try to book a premier. I think they would only want one.
wow! this is great but how i can i join? huhu :cry: im to far from your country.. hope there is some mjjc member here who lives in my country. :cry: :cry:
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My girlfriend could be coming but I'll let you know:

1, Sidewalk
2, Redridinghood
3, MichaelFanNo1
4, tomthedude
5, AdamBa17 (+3)
6, Sarah.lovess.MJ (+1)
7, madbdamj
8, michaels wendy bird
9, Michaels.Art.Nouveau
10, orianalee
11, sunnyday81
12, prismsagainst5live
13, man_in_the_mirror
14, jsimpson9
15, Andrew Ryan
17, Mrs. Music
18, Swirly
19, 82Thriller84
20, StaceyMJ
21, Susie.Q
22, mjrocks
23. Love.him
24, Andrew Ryan's Friend (+3)
25,mjrocks's sis
26. blue_eyed_belle
27, thrillerchild (+1)
28, annies ok
29, xscape guy 2003
30, darkphoenixwing
31, anotherpartofme
32, anotherpartofme's friend (+2)
33. Cherie (+4)
34. egi (+1)
35. Limonali
36.Motsey (+2)
37. risky
39, katdee1987 (+8)
We need more people! Anyone know how many seats there are in a cinema? I'm guessing way more than 40. :mello:

EDIT: 65
My girlfriend could be coming but I'll let you know:

1, Sidewalk
2, Redridinghood
3, MichaelFanNo1
4, tomthedude
5, AdamBa17 (+3)
6, Sarah.lovess.MJ (+1)
7, madbdamj
8, michaels wendy bird
9, Michaels.Art.Nouveau
10, orianalee
11, sunnyday81
12, prismsagainst5live
13, man_in_the_mirror
14, jsimpson9
15, Andrew Ryan
17, Mrs. Music
18, Swirly
19, 82Thriller84 (+1)
20, StaceyMJ
21, Susie.Q
22, mjrocks
23. Love.him
24, Andrew Ryan's Friend (+3)
25,mjrocks's sis
26. blue_eyed_belle
27, thrillerchild (+1)
28, annies ok
29, xscape guy 2003
30, darkphoenixwing
31, anotherpartofme
32, anotherpartofme's friend (+2)
33. Cherie (+4)
34. egi (+1)
35. Limonali
36.Motsey (+2)
37. risky
39, katdee1987 (+8)

I forgot to add a plus 1 to mine oops!!
Re: Could we rent a cinema for This Is It - The Movie

I want to see this with a cinema full of true MJ fans, surely there must be a way of us booking out a screening in London? Could a senior admin approach one of the west end cinemas with this idea? As long as the cinema sell their tickets then I'm sure they don't care who goes, might also be a nice publicity thing for them if the 1st showing is for MJJC members only?

I'd join you all, but I am in the USA!
Yea im sure once this is confirmed and nearer to the time we will have loads of people to fill a cinema's as its an amazing opportunity, hopfully it will happen

*I got more mates who would come if we are short of numbers but I will wait before i tell them just incase we get tight for seats
I've been in touch with Odeon and am waiting to hear back, so will let Gaz know what they say.
Odeon have called me and sent over information re screens and costs. Minimum occupancy is around the 130 people mark and will costs just over £10 a seat. Have sent all info over to Andy so hopefully we can get something sorted.
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