*NEW* MADONNA - 4 Minutes To Save The World (ft. Timbaland & Justin) (FULL)

Jona is for Madonna.. I don't care how many digital songs it sells, the song is still crap and Madonna could never sing and still can't. She is just using Justin to get back on pop radio in America, because pop radio didn't play any of her confessions songs.

Guess what? Fall Out Boy's cover of "Beat It" debuted at #22
Now is the time, for you and I to cuddle close together. Yeahhh *hiccup*
you guys are sounding like bitter 8 year olds. so what if someone likes one artist better than the other? at least the fan shows respect.
No need to ask, Jona obviously prefers Madonna......

I love and respect Madonna and Michael Jackson EQUALLY. I'm not sure why that seems to be such a hard concept to grasp around this place. I don't like Michael the most. I don't like Madonna the most. The love is right down the middle. It would be like choosing which foot I'd rather keep. Um both? I will not, nor do I need to defend my stance on either artist. I grew up on these two and could care less what anyone else thinks about either of them or me for that matter. Music makes the world go round and the more the merrier, I say.
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the song is crap IMO and seems like Madonna finishing up a contract and going elsewhere type Project. Timberlake can't even write a decent track on himself let alone anyone else and I'm tired of Timberland.
I love and respect Madonna and Michael Jackson EQUALLY. I'm not sure why that seems to be such a hard concept to grasp around this place. I don't like Michael the most. I don't like Madonna the most. The love is right down the middle. It would be like choosing which foot I'd rather keep. Um both? I will not, nor do I need to defend my stance on either artist. I grew up on these two and could care less what anyone else thinks about either of them or me for that matter. Music makes the world go round and the more the merrier, I say.
You are right!
The thing you have to admire about Madonna is that with a few basic hops, catwalks and yoga bends (doing yoga doesn't count as talent ) she can wow people and thats given her brand name and lonegvity in the music industry. I used to wonder why everyone would bang on about her ability to stay relevant and constantly reinvent herslef...and now I understand THAT she does really well. The 'dancing' or something like that towarsd the end of the video isn't anything amazingly difficult to do technically but Madonna manages to make it look out of this world.
Worst. Madonna. Video. Ever
The first 30 seconds was enough to make me wanna throw my monitor out the window.
and Justin ... well he just makes me wanna puke :puke: lol

*sigh* I'm already sick of the song to be honest, but still am excited for the album and Madonna is still a goddess :wub:
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Justin can't dance? haha ok

in this video the dancing does suck, I don't know what it is but he defo can dance.

Comapred to who, exactly? lol. Justin is a learned dancer, his ability isn't in born. You have to have standards.
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no, you were **** stirring.
Excuse me, no I freaking wasn't. I like Madonna actually, and I was only asking if Michael and Madonna are their favourite artists or if they like one more than the other.

Anyway...................... heres some pics of Madonna @ The Jacksons concert with Jelly Bean and the man himself MJ!




I only heard this song yesterday on Ellen (as she did her Ellen dancey doo at the start of the show) and I thought the track was just horrendous to listen to. I couldn't even think about listening to the words because I was hating the music so much.

I've noticed lately that some recordings have horrible music (JDJJ, sorry). What's with that? I can't get with a song if the music is hurting my ears.
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they did a little segment about the song and video on Australia's Current Affair. They referred to Justin Timberlake as the King Of Pop, what a joke.... who they trying to fool.
they did a little segment about the song and video on Australia's Current Affair. They referred to Justin Timberlake as the King Of Pop, what a joke.... who they trying to fool.
You should have punched your tv or thrown it out the window! They don't deserve our ratings!
How exciting!!! I'm only just starting to get into Madonna. Sexy sexy women and her contoversy is even better (I love controversial figures- that's how I first got into MJ). 4 Minutes is fantastic! looking forward to the album. And the promotional photos are HOT!
madonna is prettier now than she was back in the day :mello:

Who wouldn't with all that cash, extreme exercise, botox, surgery, heathly eating and amazing make-up?
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