Oprah Remembers Michael Jackson

Yeah, the surgery thing is so weird. It just depends on your anatomy. I had a tonsillectomy in 2005 and I was really worried because I had a Carnegie Hall performance coming up in a few months. (Side note: I was at the final dress for this when I got the news of the acquittal. :victory:) Anyway, my voice teacher said that some people lose notes, some people gain, it just depends. After I healed, I was delighted to find that I had an additional step and a half at the top =) Especially, considering I had such a difficult time with the surgery. They went to take my tonsils out and were like "Are you sure you haven't already had them out?" Apparently, due to recurrent tonsillitis, they were really tiny and scarred. =( It's weird how differently the same procedure can affect people. At least it wasn't a Julie Andrews story. =(

I'm freaking jealous now. You actually gained range?? That's amazing. What issues did you have? Like I said for me it was actually that my voice was all of a sudden stuck in the back of my throat, I could not control my chest register at all, air was flowing through me like a sail on the Black Pearl. I swear I sounded like an old airbag on a broken organ.

They also insisted on intubation- because of the nasal stuff as well, they wanted to do it all at once and I agreed. Guess what I was put under with. Propofol. I think the forgot the Lidocaine though because it hurt like hell going in. I remember I even asked to use an extra small intubation thingie, they are usual very careful if you let them know you are a singer.

Healing was just a b******. Hurt like hell. My nose was full of stuff up to my brain (or so it felt) so I had no choice but to breath on the wound in my throat. Not funny. I never got my voice back and gave up singing.
I'm freaking jealous now. You actually gained range?? That's amazing. What issues did you have? Like I said for me it was actually that my voice was all of a sudden stuck in the back of my throat, I could not control my chest register at all, air was flowing through me like a sail on the Black Pearl. I swear I sounded like an old airbag on a broken organ.

They also insisted on intubation- because of the nasal stuff as well, they wanted to do it all at once and I agreed. Guess what I was put under with. Propofol. I think the forgot the Lidocaine though because it hurt like hell going in. I remember I even asked to use an extra small intubation thingie, they are usual very careful if you let them know you are a singer.

Healing was just a b******. Hurt like hell. My nose was full of stuff up to my brain (or so it felt) so I had no choice but to breath on the wound in my throat. Not funny. I never got my voice back and gave up singing.

Hmmm..... the topic is called "Oprah Remembers Michael Jackson" .................
ok...so i saw a part of the Oprah remembers Mj, and well....i actually didn't like it. in the two tiny clips i saw Oprah was basically talking about what she felt and what she saw. But so far i haven't seen her talk about Michael the actual guy. She talks about his skin like if he was some sort of Alien! i was like wtf? and although she said nothing wrong, i would have preferred if she just would have spoken about his legacy or something etc. Or how he was behind the seens, or even, maybe even comment on the fact that Michael in the 1993 interview gave up his seat for liz taylor. Also, the entire time she is sort of joking, or at least that is what i saw from when she was describing neverland and comparing it to the wizard of oz.
I can't find a download either. It's getting ridiculous.
OK, I decided to watch the PM edition of the show here on the west coast just because some people said it was fine and others said it wasn't so fine. I wanted to make a judgement for myself.

This is just my opinion.

Yes, she mentioned the allegations like 3 times, but did not go into it. She just mentioned that the interview was before the allegations and what people were saying about him before any allegations struck. She did not delve into the allegations at all.

The show was strange. It's not a tribute in any sense. It was a show about her musings about the Michael Jackson interview. It was okay. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great.

I never experienced first hand all the hate that Oprah is said to have spewed about MJ over the years and everything that I know is from what I read in this forum.

I get the sense that she just felt sorry for Michael, sorry that he was lonely. She did say that she liked him very much, sort of alluding to that he was a very likable guy. At the end, she said that what she is going to remember about MJ the most was that he was passionate about life and very passionate about his work and that she, like the rest of the world, was shocked by his sudden death.

IDK. . . i'd like to think that re-watching the interview and talking about that experience sort of reminded her that Michael was a unique person and not just someone that was accused of child abuse. There were times that she looked very reflective. But IDK. . . she's still continuing to say that she doesn't know the truth about Michael from what we heard on ET last week.

Watching his interview with Oprah and just the way he was back then, how could anyone think that he could have been a child abuser? It's so preposterous! He appeared so gentle, fragile, and sweet.
Oprah just wanted to remind America that she was the first to have a full sit down interview with Michael Jackson. That was the first time that he ever did an interview like that. Also she wanted to jump on the Michael Jackson death bandwagon.

I would have been great to see him do an interview like that again. But now it will never happen.
I am watching the Oprah special being re-aired now on nbc

Interesting - it's like history repeats itself

Michael does an Interview with Oprah and few months after the 1993 allegations.
Ten years later
Michael does an interview with Bashir and few months after the 2003 allegations.

Two years after Princess Diana's interview with Bashir, she dies tragically
Six years after Michael's interview, he dies tragically
This is really sad...you would think some TV channels would have the decency to make it available worldwide...:(
i downloaded the first 3 before they were removed not sure how i can share them with u?
Np. =) It doesn't quite start at the beginning. I think there are only a couple minutes missing, but could someone fill in? =P Thanks.
I want to give Oprah the most love and respect in the world I cried so hard I laugh and felt sad again me and my sister just broke down so badly when she spoke about the relationship he had with Joe Jackson . She respected Michael privacy. So happy he has some children cause if he didn’t the media would of continue to drag his name in the ground. P.S fuck the insider I was so fed last night I will no longer watch them any more latoya please stop talking
I watched it hmmm i didn't like all the questions she asked Michael back in 93 and you could tell that some of them bothered him (look at his eyes and facial expressions) But overall i liked it.