The what are you wearing today thread LOL

Black cardi Black leggings and black tunic dress with tiny pink pokadot pattern and buckled boots.
I just changed, but now I'm wearing white capris, hot pink slippers, and a coral V-neck t-shirt with all the peanuts gang on it. lol.
It's evening here in DK so I have just changed to my pajamas ;) but earlier today I wore jeans and an orange top with rhinestones around the neck.'re all comfy in your onzie. ;)

Dark wash boot cut jeans with black heeled booties, white scoop neck tee and a sweater with bright colored flowers on it like: teal, magenta, lime green, and black, on a white background. Dangly oval silver filigree earrings with a white pearlish looking stone in the center of them, hair in bun on top of my head. tahdah...

A red shirt, black pants, and black patent leather oxfords. Very Michael-esque. :laugh:
Blue, lite grey, and black slippers
Black knit pants
black Michael Jackson t-shirt
black sweatshirt (Over the t-shirt)
black quartered button down sweater (Over the sweatshirt)
3 Michael Jackson necklaces
a black hair clip
and my glasses

Ever since what had happen to Michael. Black has been the only color I wear mostly anymore.:(
Dressing gown, slippers, regular shirt & Black Trousers.