What are you reading?

I'm reading this little book with quotes from different people in it. Like it. I've read it several times now. Like how it looks like too. It has a tiny bookmark with a silky ribbon with a 24k gold dove figure on it attached to it. And I love the cover too...it's nice and bright. :yes: I have it "on display" on my bookshelf when I am not reading it.
New Moon- Stephanie Myer.
I have read all the books before, but i'm just gearing myself up for the movie :)
Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder :wub: I definitely recommend!

My favorite book in the whole world. I'm re-re-re-re?-reading it right now and I was struck by how much of Michael's philosophy is present in it. In fact, Jostein Gaarder, himself, has a lot in common with Michael. He often writes from the perspective of children, exploring their sense of wonder about the world. Check out his other stuff, I have all of his books :wub: He's amazing. =)

In three sentences, the book is about a young girl on the brink of adulthood who begins receiving anonymous letters asking questions about life and what it means and where the world came from and why we're here. The mysterious philosopher writing them is trying to get her to open her eyes and think, he wants to impress upon her the importance of holding onto all of the joy and wonder and fascination in life that goes along with childhood. He needs to reach her right now, since she's old enough to understand this, but young enough to not have become "comfortable" and unimpressed by life.

...I feel like Paris needs this book. It's my mission to get it to her... Part of my duty in carrying on her dad's work. =) I think it would be on his required reading list for her, for sure. She's a couple years younger than Sophie, but I think she would be able to identify with her and appreciate that it's everything I'm sure her dad taught her. =)
I'm reading two books at the moment. (don't ask me why) lol

Purple Hibiscus by Chiamanda Ngozi Adichie and
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.