Murray Trial - 6 October - Day 8 - Discussion

I know Chernoff is "just doing his job", but I can't help but to despise him. Trying to make the coroner's investigator appear incompetent.. :angry:

I agree with you. All that sighing and huffing and puffing that he does irritates me. :angry:
She is a bad investigator. Leaving an IV system with a syringe injected into the port used to infuse drugs in a case where the victim was 50 years old and the cause of death unknown has no excuse whatsoever.

agree, shes slack and i hate to say it but chernoff is doing a good job

Agree. Can't wait for Fleak's part to be over with. It's painful to watch. If Walgren can rehabilitate her testimony on a few things it won't be too bad. Otherwise, this could be an iffy start. Not going to belabor the point as to why but I can already hear Chernoff's closing statement in my head. Ugh!
if murray walks becouse of sloppy police work i will explode! have to admit this is the first witness the defense is kind of winning.....
This woman is saying nothing different then from what she said during the pre hearing in January he is just trying to twist it thinking everyone is stupid and he is the smart one
slack investigator wants sacking. who leaves and IV bag and tubing there for days and doesnt collect it straight away. hell u take everything. and if its not important you can ditch it.

walgren needs to earn his money in the redirect
Whether she said the same things before or not, she is not impressive and Chernoff is doing a good job casting doubts in the way she handled the investigation.

She's not impressive at all.

I just hope Brazil can clean this up.
We need some rehabilitation from the prosecution. He's a bit of a bully boy but scoring points!
Chernoff has found the weakest link and he will exploit it. Notice that he requested the break because paraphrasing, he needs a lot more time with the witness. Consistency of testimony aside, this looks bad; sloppy and unprofessional. She moved evidence prior to filming and logging it, she didn't thoroughly search the scene, her notes are scarce and her print is on state's evidence. Hopefully she doesn't crack under the pressure.
I think they are implying that they changed testimony and notes to pin it on Murray.

yes and it is VERY import and that her testimony is is VERY important that she got that information right at the scene. HOW can she MESS THAT UP..damn, You find propofol in a bag in a room that someone dies in and yOu dont put it in your report??? What an idiot. See all the defense has to do is plant doubt in the mind of 1 juror, Damn,,,,,this is not good
Wow... If English was my mother's tongue it would be a lot easier for me to get all those things...
Okay... So Chernoff IS an idiot, but she IS a terrible investigator?
See all the defense has to do is plant doubt in the mind of 1 juror, Damn,,,,,this is not good

1 juror? so only one juror has to be FOR murray and he will be free??? i thought the majority(7 jurors) must be for one side...
damn :(
Some of these flaws were recognized earlier (like not collecting the I.V. stand on the 25th) but I tried to give LAPD some slack seeing as they had no way of knowing this was a homicide case when MJ died and had no reason to suspect as much. I've always said they more than likely took MJ's death as another celebrity overdose case and for this reason probably slacked in the way they collected evidence. I remember being at the hospital to pick up my Mom on that day and it wasn't too long after word came that MJ had died ppl like Deepak Chopra was on CNN talking about Michael asking him for drugs and crap like that. The police was probably at Carolwood then collecting evidence and thinking MJ's death was far from being a homicide so why worry that a bottle of flumazenil is on the floor. Just pick it up and put it on the table for the pix of the drugs on the nightstand. It was a matter documenting the drugs in the room versus documenting and preserving a possible crime scene. That was a bad call...but at the same time, what can one expect. I loathe that people jumped to conclusions about how MJ died and this is one of the reasons why. And now the defense, with their backs in a corner otherwise, is probably salivating over these missteps. So annoying. Walgren has his work cut out for him on cross with Fleak, but hopefully the pathology results will be exceptional enuf to overshadow this. Blah.
showing the bottles on the table asking how far was a certain bottle (the middle one) from the bed she says a couple of feet. i guess that bottle is the loraz.

showing a pic of the black bag being opened did u take the pic? she doesnt know

hes asking if the house was secured after she left (on the 25th??) .she doesnt know but thinks it might not have been

showing pics of the IV line syringe in the photos chernoff is saying the iv line and syringe is in a different position. presume one photo is from the 25th another from the 29th?
1 juror? so only one juror has to be FOR murray and he will be free??? i thought the majority(7 jurors) must be for one side...
damn :(

Apparently all 12 need to come to the same verdict in a criminal case...

It's still early in the case, so I won't worry. The toxicology will be the most important. Also how can Murray explain among many things why he saying he didn't know MJ was seing other doctors when the pill bottles that have Kleins name and other doc was right on the stand next to the bed right in his face.
Some of these flaws were recognized earlier (like not collecting the I.V. stand on the 25th) but I tried to give LAPD some slack seeing as they had no way of knowing this was a homicide case when MJ died and had no reason to suspect as much. I've always said they more than likely took MJ's death as another celebrity overdose case and for this reason probably slacked in the way they collected evidence. I remember being at the hospital to pick up my Mom on that day and it wasn't too long after word came that MJ had died ppl like Deepak Chopra was on CNN talking about Michael asking him for drugs and crap like that. The police was probably at Carolwood then collecting evidence and thinking MJ's death was far from being a homicide so why worry that a bottle of flumazenil is on the floor. Just pick it up and put it on the table for the pix of the drugs on the nightstand. It was a matter documenting the drugs in the room versus documenting and preserving a possible crime scene. That was a bad call...but at the same time, what can one expect. I loathe that people jumped to conclusions about how MJ died and this is one of the reasons why. And now the defense, with their backs in a corner otherwise, is probably salivating over these missteps. So annoying. Walgren has his work cut out for him on cross with Fleak, but hopefully the pathology results will be exceptional enuf to overshadow this. Blah.

We really should wait until the witness is actually done before we jumped one way or another. The defense is doing better with this witness because they are so many moving parts compare to the more straightforward nature of others witnesses we have seen.
1 juror? so only one juror has to be FOR murray and he will be free??? i thought the majority(7 jurors) must be for one side...
damn :(

no 1 jurror makes a mistrial and we go through another trial no doubt. all 12 have to agree to either not guilty or guilty
the iv isnt wrapped around anything. hes talking B.S
people with technology and don't know how to use it!

I don't understand why the photos don't have dates on them, you would think that would be standard practice as people would ask.

I can't believe they never sealed the house either, but what someone came in and planted the exact same drugs Murray purchased? Where is chernoff going with this.
here we go with the SLOPPY police work..that house was NOT sealed off like it should of been...for the length of time it needed to be
It does seem obvious to me that when you compare the 2 different pics of the IV pole, that the tubing is in very different positions in each; in one it is hanging over the knob on the pole and in the other picture, the tubing is just hanging straight down, so someone obviously touched this pole/the tubing; which is very unfortunate.