MJ's Bodyguards On GMA-(All Threads Merged)

Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

if I were one of his kids I wouldn't want to hear certain private things concerning my father,like who and when he was kissing in his car or having sex with and w/e parents keep for themselves...even if the interview is all in all positive(so far) they are still giving away info that MJ tried to protect at all cost for the benefit of himself and his kids...sorry but no..

Well, IF there is going to be talk about their father, and being MJ, there will ALWAYS be talk. I prefer these kind of reveals than the other garbage that has proliferated and polluted the air.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

The credit card issue is no big deal.

Credit card means it has a limit. Given the spending, the card was possibly used and maxed out, only to check in and have it declined.

This was a time when people were trying to sue MJ left right and centre while associates were siphoning off money.

If the likes of Dr Tahome were not pocketing $5million, the Schaffels having taken millions off the account years back and the accountants given money to pay bills which they diverted, resulting in even more lawsuits and lawyers to be paid to deal with that, all this wouldn't have needed to happen.

Ofcourse the media won't tell that side of the story, let alone their role in making it impossible for MJ to release albums or tour because they helped promote false allegations and profit at his expense.

Now, how much does it cost MJ to check into a hotel? $100,000 to $200,000, a small fraction of what Tahome was hiding, not to mention what he spent that we have no knowledge of because it can't be traced from the moment it was withdrawn or how it was distributed and put to use contrary to what MJ may have wanted or known.

:timer: Agreed. You may even have some fans defending the bodyguards when they start saying negative things. Saying things like 'of course MJ was broke, they are only speaking the truth.'

I have a feeling they will be truthful from seeing what I have seen of them. I doubt they will say he was broke. But if they say credit cards were denied, that I believe. He was a high spender, credit cards go over the liit all the time without people knowing it, especially when accountants take care of paying them and you don't know where your at with your spending. To me, not a big deal.

MJ was not perfect, neither am I and neither is anyone else. But he was a great man and a great father. The way the bodyguards spoke of him just reinforced that

Good point made by you and rsw22. But we'll see how its presented. If its presented how you or rsw22 explained it, that's one thing. But if its presented as 'At one point in his life, Michael couldn't afford to check into a hotel,' that's another. You can bet that as rsw22 said, the media will not tell the other side of the story. I know MJ's not perfect. Perhaps its just too much to hope that people will be fair.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA


Some folks think it is ok to betray MJ's trust if it is positive and can help his image in the press. MJ is dead...who gives a flying "tuck" about his image. 25 years from now, some will still believe MJ was a drug addict...or was a horrible father. Regardless of what ex-employees reveal.

Reading the comments on TMZ (where non MJ fans go at it to their heart's content), some think the bodyguards were paid to say positive things about MJ. I think people need to give it a rest for a bit.

I guess now, we should wait for Karen Faye's GMA interview. She already confirm she is working on a book.
Holy mother of Mary. :bugeyed-_-
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I have a feeling they will be truthful from seeing what I have seen of them. I doubt they will say he was broke. But if they say credit cards were denied, that I believe. He was a high spender, credit cards go over the liit all the time without people knowing it, especially when accountants take care of paying them and you don't know where your at with your spending. To me, not a big deal.

MJ was not perfect, neither am I and neither is anyone else. But he was a great man and a great father. The way the bodyguards spoke of him just reinforced that

Today they said that he spent $4,000 to $5,000 in bookstores. A person can't be broke if they have that amount of money to spend on books. As you said it could be as simple as a credit card going over the limit and/or an accountant not paying something quick enough etc etc.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Michael throwing his bodyguards phone out the window? And breaking the window??

Do they expect me to believe that???

This is no "They Don't Really Care About Us" recording.

Idiots will start believing this like the gospel, and haters will start feeding it like crazy. I will not watch that interview.

And why is this coming out now???

Who is telling them to say this??
One thing I did know about Michael is that he was a "THROWER" when he got angry. I have heard more than once that he would break things and throw things when he got angry. You've read the stories too so I don't know why you wouldn't believe it when his security guard publicly states that Michael threw his cell phone out the window and broke it. That doesn't surprise me one bit.

One other thing I would like to say it that after reading the initial comments on here about the upcoming story is that everybody thinks that they just wanted to talk for money and write books for money. Well, I for one am sick and tired of the attitude of some of the people in this community who are supposedly on Michael's side and want to promote his legacy. Those commentors didn't even wait to see what was going to be said about Michael. They just immediately assumed the worst. It turns out they just want the world to see the human side of Michael which is what WE all want. They were close to Michael 24/7 and they were witness to some of the most intimate situations that we all wish we could have been a part of. Hell yeah, I want to know what they have to say because I wish I could have been there. They have made it know that these guys did not ask to be paid for their three-day interview that they spent with this reporter. The reporter, Ashley Banfield has stated that she went into the interview with pre-conceived notions of who Michael Jackson was but after spending time with these three bodyguards, she found her opinions of Michael had turned completely around and definitely into positive ones. This is what we all want for Michael, especially now that he is not able to defend himself. I for one am glad they are speaking out :clapping: and I look forward to Dateline tonight and to the rest of the piece on GMA tomorrow!:yes:
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

very surprised and please at how positive the interview was. The bit about the prostitute is hilarious- too cute!
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Since the media will not improve their view overnight about Michael, there is really no other way to shed a different light, isn't it?

The media will NEVER greatly improve their viewpoint.

That would mean admitting they were wrong, and that's not something they do. I realized the extent of their denial with that witch Diane Dimond. She flew all the way to Canada to confirm dirt on MJ, and discovered the very believable story she been told to get her there was all an elaborate lie.

Instead of even considering she may be fundamentally wrong about Michael, it only strengthened her resolve to get something negative on him. She preferred to search and search for dirt, choosing to twist any fact to justify her perception, than admit she was possibly wrong.

The stories of the bodyguards and other positive anecdotes do more for SOME fans than anyone else. It gives us endearing moments that we often need because we don't have him anymore to create them for us personally.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

The media will NEVER greatly improve their viewpoint.

That would mean admitting they were wrong, and that's not something they do. I realized the extent of their denial with that witch Diane Dimond. She flew all the way to Canada to confirm dirt on MJ, and discovered the very believable story she been told to get her there was all an elaborate lie.

Instead of even considering she may be fundamentally wrong about Michael, it only strengthened her resolve to get something negative on him. She preferred to search and search for dirt, choosing to twist any fact to justify her perception, than admit she was possibly wrong.

The stories of the bodyguards and other positive anecdotes do more for SOME fans than anyone else. It gives us endearing moments that we often need because we don't have him anymore to create them for us personally.

That is all. Being a fan for 38 years been there done that. What you said is truth
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Sadly whilst I did watch this interview and it was extremely positive it shows that the media will never change. We were all so angry at them yesterday as we felt that they were trashing Michael yet again but we fell into the media's trap. Using a negative headline to suck people in. They didn't air a highlight of them saying what a wonderful dad Michael was, they aired a highlight about credit cards getting declinded and being asked to leave hotels. People aren't going to tune in to hear what a wonderful dad Michael was, they're going to tune in to hear people trash Michael. The media will never change their opinion on him.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

The media will NEVER greatly improve their viewpoint.

While I agree with what you say I keep my hope considering some wonderful articles I read here and there. Mainstream media is a W**** I know, but if they have no limits in bringing hate, I could go to the same extent in bringing L.O.V.E.

I hope tomorrow will be a decent interview, at least
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

One other thing I would like to say it that after reading the initial comments on here about the upcoming story is that everybody thinks that they just wanted to talk for money and write books for money. Well, I for one am sick and tired of the attitude of some of the people in this community who are supposedly on Michael's side and want to promote his legacy. Those commentors didn't even wait to see what was going to be said about Michael. They just immediately assumed the worst.

Please remember that fans have been severely burned when it comes to reflections on MJ. When we've had his so called good friends like Quincy badmouthing him, our defenses automatically go up now and we expect the worse, because that's what we've grown used to getting!

But I totally agree with you, many of us jumped the gun on this one! Glad we were wrong.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Thanks. I haven't watched the videos; only read the articles.

His "stylist", Ruskha. She told the LA Times that MJ is very sexy.
I think u got a point there was some kind of chemistry between those two IMO
if I were one of his kids I wouldn't want to hear certain private things concerning my father,like who and when he was kissing in his car or having sex with and w/e parents keep for themselves...even if the interview is all in all positive(so far) they are still giving away info that MJ tried to protect at all cost for the benefit of himself and his kids...sorry but no..
totally agree, this is also why I'm not feeling the idea of fans saying a Paris Hilton like tape of Michael should be released (if one exists) :ph34r:
It's way too embarrassing for his children and as much as I 'enjoy'' knowing he had his adult fun even in older years that stuff should be kept private. The man has passed for heaven's sake. -_-

Sry mods delete if it's not PG 13 ;) lol
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

can someone post a transcript i cant get youtube to work.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA


Here's Ivy's recap. I think there is also another one in the thread.

I watched the GMA segment - first of all let me say that the reporter said that the bodyguards are positive about MJ and said that they wanted to defend him as not many people are defending him.

GMA also stated that the bodyguards were not paid but intend to write a book called "Defending the King".
Edit : the name of the book is "In Defense of the King"

Some highlights
- They said that he was an excellent father. His kids loved him.
- The kids are extremely polite, well mannered. They showed a note from Paris. Asking for cat food and thanking the bodyguards. They stated that the kids are not spoiled.
- They also said that the kids are extremely smart , "like a 21 year old" was the quote.
- They said Michael did his best to shelter the kids from the tabloids and stories (turning the magazines etc).

- They said some behaviors he had was different but not weird. (they didn't want to call him weird)
- When asked about his relationships with other children , they said that they think all the allegations were false. He was a normal man liking women like they do.

- They said he had at least 2 girlfriends. They took them out. There was a curtain they did not see but heard their talks etc. They said he either make out in the back seat or was chewing his gum loudly.

- They also said that he didn't like the Las Vegas house and felt exposed there as there was to many paparazzi etc.
- They also said that he himself ordered at the drive-through.

-When asked about the drugs , they said there have been some times that they felt he was behaving differently and thought that he might be taken something.

When finishing the segment the reporter said that
- He constantly read , Wall Street Journal and generally history books. The kids loved to read as well.
- He wanted to go to Wal-Mart and order a beer at a bar.
- He wan't able to tell that a woman was a prostitute and had to be told.

They will continue with this tomorrow. Talking about the finances and his relations with his family (GMA said that family had to make an appointment to see him).

They also said that there would be extra clips on their website and tonight on the Nightline show.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

They were talking about it on the Australian morning show "Sunrise" and to attract viewers they said the bodyguards talk about Michael's temper and what he was really like (inferring that he was a real a**hole). During the segment, there is NO mention whatsoever (although it could have been discussed in the whole interview) of his temper and everything said seemed to be positive. The final piece of the segment was discussing Michael's sexuality and the bodyguard all agreed that Michael was completely hetero, and I believe one of the hosts (Karl Stefonovic) seemed to scoff at the idea.

Correct me if I'm wrong any other Aussies that saw the segment but I hate the media!!!

Edit: Thanks for the recap, Ivy.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA


Here's Ivy's recap. I think there is also another one in the thread.

Thank you, and no it wasn't a bad interview i don't think. i just have a hard time believing anything anyone says anymore. its hard to know the fact from the fiction. the bit about him not knowing the difference between a hooker and a normal girl is something i don't believe. I feel he knew more then he was letting on. Michael wasn't a stupid man and the way people talk about him makes him seem like he knew nothing of the night time women. Come on he knew what a prostitute was else he wouldn't have a song titled Street Walker.

as for the drugs Michael made many mistakes and i cant hold drug use against him. he was a very loving man and had some really hard times if he needed to escape them that way then thats the only way he could. they took neverland away from him how else was he to escape? but i also think that it was more to get sleep. i feel awful for him and i wish we would have known sooner that way we could have done something sooner.

Part of me feels like its our fault he's gone. We wanted so much from one person. i think we pushed him to hard. but maybe that's my guilt talking:(
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Well, IF there is going to be talk about their father, and being MJ, there will ALWAYS be talk. I prefer these kind of reveals than the other garbage that has proliferated and polluted the air.

You're right,it will never stop,and it's also true that everything will be forgotten in a week so it's really not a big deal,just a bunch of pp having their little moment.
The point is,if you wanna talk about MJ for money like they did,fine.....but don't call it "defending MJ".
As I said before it was kinda positive from the reviews here...but what I've read from headlines is enough to understand they went too far...the word Pe*****le has started to pop up again.
I'd say if you really have M's and his kids' best interest at heart you leave certain matters alone...they know how the press works...just let it go...don't give them reasons to trash him even more,don't cross certain lines...but the lines they cross are the things that certain pp want to know the most about.It's sad...
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

they said there was a curtain so they did not see what was happening in the back seat, they could only hear noises coming from MJ and girlfriend. They meant that they heard kissing noises and then joked "or he was chewing gum loudly" (as they can't see for certain). so yeah they were trying to make a joke.

I believe (I'm sure) Michael would not do certain things in private and not in the car for securities hear or see something perhaps. Michael has always sought and fought for privacy.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

You're right,it will never stop,and it's also true that everything will be forgotten in a week so it's really not a big deal,just a bunch of pp having their little moment.
The point is,if you wanna talk about MJ for money like they did,fine.....but don't call it "defending MJ".
As I said before it was kinda positive from the reviews here...but what I've read from headlines is enough to understand they went too far...the word p******* has started to pop up again.
I'd say if you really have M's and his kids' best interest at heart you leave certain matters alone...they know how the press works...just let it go...don't give them reasons to trash him even more,don't cross certain lines...but the lines they cross are the things that certain pp want to know the most about.It's sad...
totally agree, I hadn't heard this word for a long time I was pretty shocked to read this word again on TMZ and all the other media outlets this particular word was used by purpose on ABC's part.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Please think before you post. Not what you say, how you say it, it really makes a difference.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

^^^ about the use of a certain word debate.

I believe that is in a way due to the interviewer. She said that she covered the trial and had a opinion about Michael which changed for positive after this interview. Also she quite bluntly asked the bodyguards if the accusations were true or not. IMO that was quite unnecessary.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA


I believe (I'm sure) Michael would not do certain things in private and not in the car for securities hear or see something perhaps. Michael has always sought and fought for privacy.

Do they still use "curtains" in SUV's or limo's or whatever MJ was driven around in? Seems so 1960's, heh. For someone as private as Michael it seems strange.