Murray Trial - 6 October - Day 8 - Discussion

Ihope the jury is smart.. esp with all this technical explanation. I've sat on a jury and trust me some Jury members are not so smart to put it mildly.
hope they're gonna break it down for some jurors not everyone is familiar with medical/biological science stuff
first tests he did was a screening for benzos anti depressant anti histamine etc did an 8 page report on his findings
Ihope the jury is smart.. esp with all this technical explanation. I've sat on a jury and trust me some Jury members are not so smart to put it mildly.

I think the witness is doing a good job of talking TO them moreso than to Walgren. He's looking at the jurors as he's explaining. That's a good way to keep their attention and/or keep them engaged in what he's saying, imo.
Wow, a minute slow, normal conversation. This witness is very tiring me down - Cut to the chase. PLEASE! Blablabla
i dont understand anything...

what is he talking about? :blink:
he was explaining how the tests were conducted that it takes time to get the results/answers, that the tests were running over night, to get the information.
I think the witness is doing a good job of talking TO them moreso than to Walgren. He's looking at the jurors as he's explaining. That's a good way to keep their attention and/or keep them engaged in what he's saying, imo.
Wow, a minute slow, normal conversation. This witness is very tiring me down - Cut to the chase. PLEASE! Blablabla

I'm assuming he testifies a lot and knows what follow up questions would be, so he's telling everything without needing to be asked. But it's a lot more comprehensible with ask/answer, ask/answer versus his running on and on and on and on and on...
explains the conversion between micro grams and nano grams (the difference btween the different measurement units) says micro grams is bigger than nano grams, says u gotta multiply by thousand to get the conversion to nano grams from micro gram, and divide by thousand vice versa
I'm assuming he testifies a lot and knows what follow up questions would be, so he's telling everything without needing to be asked. But it's a lot more comprehensible with ask/answer, ask/answer versus his running on and on and on and on and on...
Yeah, that's what I thought, too.
Break now...
if they are going to go through a list of all of the drugs they tested for this is going to take a while
Finally, we're at the real heart of this case. I hope the tox can finally blow a hole in the defense painkiller theory and show that Michael only had a cocktail of Murray's drug. I hope they have the hair sample as well for the long-term drug use since we know they will bring that up.
lemon662, that's what I'm thinking too! MJ needed serious help, insomnia is deep problem, sometimes patiants need psychological help, I've dealt with it myself. But this was insane. How did they picture MJ sleeping through the 11 months TOUR? HE COULD BARELY REST WITH ANESTETIC TO GO to the rehearsal. He could have collapsed on stage any time, If it had let to concerts. Because you can go home if you feel ill during rehearsals, but not like that on the real concert.Shame shame, this whole process proves they were just trying to milk Michael for money!

Michael said he wanted to go to the hospital the night before he died. He tols Murray and he shrug it off. :(
On a personal note, I really like this witness. Although, this has to do with the fact that I love medical science and I found how a tox is done educational.