Is there anyone else who can't listen to his music right now?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I can't. It's just to upsetting for me

Hopefully in a few days i'll come around and be able to listen again

Edit - The title should have said ''who can't'' instead of ''you can't''
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

Me neither. It's just too much.
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

I cant bring myself to listen to him just now it just doesn't seem right knowing hes passed away!
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

very difficult to listen to his music. Like a knife in the heart.
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

my heart is currently shattered into a million pieces..if i listen now i might just push myself over the edge
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

All I can do is listen to his music. It makes me smile.
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

It's very comfortable for me listening to his music.
Michael always supported me in bad times with his music, I'll play his music out of respect to someone who I like to thank for all those years of putting great music on Earth. Thank you Michael.
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

yeah i just made a similar thread.. i cant either :(
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

i was too devastated to listen to anything this morning.... just reduced to tears...

but i could think of nothing but Mj... so i just listened and watched and listened... many ways it's about confronting the hurt, about letting it out, and i just love michael more and more... but some of the lyrics really hurt...
Re: Is there anyone else you can't listen to his music right now?

I can listen it, but it makes me sadder and sadder... Make me feel everything again...
I cant listen to any music at all it will be a long time before i listen to him again but i will eventually right now its too fresh
I've tried to listen because I want the world to hear Michael's music but every time I hear a track on the radio, I start crying all over again so turn it off. :( Will we ever be able to listen to Michael's music again without thinking about his premature death? I don't think I will....
I feel the same way. And every time I imagine his face smiling, I get tears in my eyes.

But after sitting in front of the tv for 5 hours watching reports and his music videos... well, guess I'm somewhat masochistic.

I still can't play his music though. It just makes me cry harder.
It's hard right now. When I was in the car, Man In The Mirror came on the radio and I just started sobbing in the back seat, my dad didn't know. Its hard listening to his music knowing he is not here.
i can't see michael and hear
R.I.P. Michael Good Bye
I can't... I didn't dare to play any MJ music today but just heard YANA on tv and I bursted out in tears. It hurts me so bad. It feels so bad.

Michael, I love you.
This morning I could listen to it and I did. It made me cry my eyes out, but right then I really needed to hear his voice.
Now when I listened to one song I almost threw up and began shaking and having sort of an anxiety attack... I guess as all of this slowly begins to melt in the music is becoming more difficult to listen to... I hate this. I just hate it.
This morning I could listen to it and I did. It made me cry my eyes out, but right then I really needed to hear his voice.
Now when I listened to one song I almost threw up and began shaking and having sort of an anxiety attack... I guess as all of this slowly begins to melt in the music is becoming more difficult to listen to... I hate this. I just hate it.

I hope you're feeling better, WATW.
I'm the same. This morning, I broke down when I heard a little clip of 'Ben' they played on the news. I just couldn't listen to his music or his voice.
But now, I NEED to hear his voice. I feel like I need to take in as much MJ as I can.
I don't know if this will help you, but however said it was,
Im sure Michael Jackson would love to be remembered by his music,
so go download his songs if you havent got them...we should try and make one of his songs number one again just to say thank you!
I hope you're feeling better, WATW.
I'm the same. This morning, I broke down when I heard a little clip of 'Ben' they played on the news. I just couldn't listen to his music or his voice.
But now, I NEED to hear his voice. I feel like I need to take in as much MJ as I can.

I guess we're the same, but in reverse sort of. I need to hear his voice, desperately, but when I do I suffer even more. It's just crazy. But what I really can't handle right now is hearing him talk.
The thought of hearing him talk or laugh... I would seriously just have a breakdown and die.
I can't listen to it. As I've mention in other threads, I've packed all my MJ stuff away. I don't know when or if I'm ever going to watch or listen to anything by him again. The pain of Michael dying is just too deep. I have been a fan since 1982. It's almost like I can't let go. But yet, I can't bear hearing his voice or seeing pictures or footage of him knowing he's gone. I knew years ago that I would be sad when he died. But this seems way beyond that to me.
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I lost my dad exectly 11 months back and since have not been able to even see his pictures.. The feeling is the same now- Im too depressed to enjoy music or just see his images, when my mind is bombarded with the fact that we will never get to see Mike again.

Im not the ones who could say Im gonna celebrate his life by watching him all day long.. Its too depressing...
i cant,i just cant. i feel so awful to not e able to look @ his pictures or play his music. i cant take it