99 Things about YOU


Proud Member
Jul 19, 2009
Might be a bit too demanding, but I'm genuenly curious about people answers. Just copy & paste the text below and give your answers :)
001. Real name →
002. Nickname(s)→
003. Zodiac sign →
004. Male or female →
005. Elementary →
006. Middle School →
007. High School →
008. Hair color → Brown/
009. Long or short →
010. Loud or Quiet →
011. Sweats or Jeans →
012. Phone or Camera →
013. Health freak →
015. Do you have a crush on someone? →
016. Eat or Drink →
017. Piercings →
018. Tattoos →

019. Been in an airplane→
020. Been in a relationship →
021. Been in a car accident →
022. Been in a fist fight →

023. First piercing →
024. First best friend →
025. First award →
026. First crush →
028. First big vacation →

029. Last person you talked to →
030. Last person you texted →
031. Last person you watched a movie with —>
033. Last movie you watched →
034. Last song you listened to →
035. Last thing you bought →
036. Last person you hugged →

037. Food →
038. Drinks →
039. Clothing →
040. Flower →
041. Books →
042. Colors →
043. Movies →
044. Subjects →

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone:
046: celebrated halloween:
047. had your heart broken:
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone:
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation:
050. came out of the closet:
051. gotten pregnant:
052. had an abortion:
053. done something you’ve regretted:
054. broke a promise:
055. hid a secret:
056. pretended to be happy:
057. met someone who changed your life:
058. pretended to be sick:
059. left the country:
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it:
061. cried over the silliest thing:
062. ran a mile:
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s):
064. got into an argument with your friends:
065. hated someone:
066. done something good for someone else:

067. Eating →
068. Drinking →
069. I’m about to →
070. Listening to →
071. Plans for today →
072. Waiting for →

073. Want kids? →
074. Want to get married? →
075. Careers in mind →
076. Lips or eyes →
077. Shorter or taller? →
078. Romantic or spontaneous →
079. Nice stomach or nice arms →
080. Sensitive or loud →
081. Hook-up or relationship →
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant →

083. Lost glasses/contacts →
084. Ran away from home →
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense →
086. Killed somebody →
087. Broken someone’s heart →
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose →
089. Cried when someone died →

090. Yourself →
091. Miracles →
092. Love at first sight →
093. Heaven →
094. Santa Claus →
095. Sex on the first date →
096. Kiss on the first date →

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? →
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? →
099. Do you believe in God →
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001. Real name → Thomas Kerr
002. Nickname(s)→ Tom
003. Zodiac sign → Libra
004. Male or female → Male
005. Primary School → Bournes Green Infants School
006. Junior School → Bournes Green Junior School
007. High School → Southend High School for Boys
008. Hair color → Dark brown
009. Long or short → Long-ish
010. Loud or Quiet → Very quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Hmm, both
013. Health freak → No
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes
016. Eat or Drink → Umm... both?
017. Piercings → No
018. Tattoos → No

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → No
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → Yes

023. First piercing → Never
024. First best friend → Someone I met on the first day of school
025. First award → Can't remember
026. First crush → ;)
028. First big vacation → Ooo err... France '97 or something I think

029. Last person you talked to → Friend
030. Last person you texted → Becca (Beccabubbles)
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> Group of friends
033. Last movie you watched → Toy Story 3
034. Last song you listened to → Can't remember
035. Last thing you bought → Coke :mello: The drink :mello:
036. Last person you hugged → Becca

037. Food → Pasta
038. Drinks → Pepsi
039. Clothing → MJ shirts
040. Flower → Don't know
041. Books → Don't know
042. Colors → Purple maybe
043. Movies → This Is It... others
044. Subjects → None of them

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: No
046: celebrated halloween: No
047. had your heart broken: Yes
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: No
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: No
050. came out of the closet: No
051. gotten pregnant: No
052. had an abortion: No
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yes
054. broke a promise: No
055. hid a secret: No
056. pretended to be happy: Yes
057. met someone who changed your life: Yes
058. pretended to be sick: No
059. left the country: No
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: Yes
061. cried over the silliest thing: Yes
062. ran a mile: Yes
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): No
064. got into an argument with your friends: No
065. hated someone: Yes
066. done something good for someone else: Yes

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Nothing
069. I’m about to → Do nothing
070. Listening to → Nothing
071. Plans for today → None
072. Waiting for → Nothing

073. Want kids? → Yes (won't happen though)
074. Want to get married? → Yes (won't happen though)
075. Careers in mind → Journalism
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Not sure
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → Yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → No
089. Cried when someone died → Yes

090. Yourself → Not at all
091. Miracles → No
092. Love at first sight → Yes
093. Heaven → No
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → Yes
096. Kiss on the first date → Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No
099. Do you believe in God → No

Since I Have nothing better to do on a Saturday night lol.

001. Real name → Darren McGown
002. Nickname(s)→ Ape
003. Zodiac sign → Cancer
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary → Clydemuir Primary School
006. Middle School →
007. High School → Clydebank High School.
008. Hair colour → Light Brown
009. Long or short → Short
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Camera
013. Health freak → No
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Not at the moment.
016. Eat or Drink → Both
017. Piercings → No
018. Tattoos → Considering one

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → no
022. Been in a fist fight → yes

023. First piercing → never been pierced
024. First best friend → Girl called Lauren.
025. First award → Swimming
026. First crush → Bruce Willis
028. First big vacation → Florida when I was 6

029. Last person you talked to → My friend Graham
030. Last person you texted → My friend Mandeep
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> can't remember
033. Last movie you watched → Pokemon the 1st movie.
034. Last song you listened to → You Spin Me Right Round - Dead Or Alive
035. Last thing you bought → Limeaid Juice
036. Last person you hugged → My Mother

037. Food → Pasta
038. Drinks → Irn Bru, Coke, Diet Coke.
039. Clothing → Band T-Shirts
040. Flower →
041. Books →
042. Colors → Orange
043. Movies → The Omen
044. Subjects → Music, History.

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yup
046: celebrated halloween: no
047. had your heart broken: no
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: yes
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: nope
050. came out of the closet: to some
051. gotten pregnant: haha yeah like that will happen
052. had an abortion: no
053. done something you’ve regretted: yup
054. broke a promise: no
055. hid a secret: yes
056. pretended to be happy: yes
057. met someone who changed your life: nope
058. pretended to be sick: no
059. left the country: not yet but doing that in 2011
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: nope
061. cried over the silliest thing: god yes
062. ran a mile: nope
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): no
064. got into an argument with your friends: yes
065. hated someone: yes
066. done something good for someone else: yes

067. Eating → nothing
068. Drinking → nothing
069. I’m about to → Answer the next question.
070. Listening to → nothing
071. Plans for today → going out
072. Waiting for → nothing

073. Want kids? → no
074. Want to get married? → depends
075. Careers in mind → Musician, Piano Teacher
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Yup
084. Ran away from home → no
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → once
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone’s heart → no
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → yes
089. Cried when someone died → of course

090. Yourself → More than religion
091. Miracles → no
092. Love at first sight → no
093. Heaven → no
094. Santa Claus → nope
095. Sex on the first date → depends if the connection is strong enough
096. Kiss on the first date → maybe.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → No
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No I am not
099. Do you believe in God → No he's a big lie.
This reminds me of those myspace bulletins I used to do all the time when I was bored. lol.

001. Real name → Courtney
002. Nickname(s)→ None
003. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary → N/A (I'm really cautious on the internet..)
006. Middle School → N/A
007. High School → N/A
008. Hair color → Dark blonde.
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → I can be both
011. Sweats or Jeans → Both
012. Phone or Camera → Hmm..both. haha.
013. Health freak → Yes. :yes:
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Baby it's more than a crush. :heart:
016. Eat or Drink → Drink
017. Piercings → Ears, belly button.
018. Tattoos → None

019. Been in an airplane→ Nope
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → Eh, not really. Just those tiny "accidents" where you hit a person's bumper. I've almost been hit by a car before.
022. Been in a fist fight → Never.

023. First piercing → Ears
024. First best friend → ha. I had a few
025. First award → Something for school.
026. First crush → Can't remember his name.
028. First big vacation → Beach

029. Last person you talked to → My brother.
030. Last person you texted → My boyfriend.
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> My boyfriend.
033. Last movie you watched → Grease. hahah.
034. Last song you listened to → Morphine - Michael Jackson
035. Last thing you bought → A vitamin water.
036. Last person you hugged → My mom.

037. Food → Hmm that's tough. Don't really have one.
038. Drinks → Water, milk.
039. Clothing → ha, I love all clothes.
040. Flower → Rose
041. Books → Oh, I love reading. Anything that sounds interesting to me I will read. I'm not picky.
042. Colors → Purple.
043. Movies → Too many.
044. Subjects → English, history.

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yes.
046: celebrated halloween: Yep.
047. had your heart broken: Nope. I had it restored.
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: Yeah most likely.
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: Yeah hahah.
050. came out of the closet: No.
051. gotten pregnant: Nope.
052. had an abortion: No.
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yeah.
054. broke a promise: Nah.
055. hid a secret: Yeah.
056. pretended to be happy: All the time.
057. met someone who changed your life: YES.
058. pretended to be sick: You bet.
059. left the country: I wish.
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: Yes.
061. cried over the silliest thing: Yeah.
062. ran a mile: Yeah, quite often.
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s):No.
064. got into an argument with your friends: Yeah.
065. hated someone: I don't "hate" anybody. I prefer strongly dislike...
066. done something good for someone else: Yes.

067. Eating → Nothing. I just ate rice though.
068. Drinking → Ice tea.
069. I’m about to → Go get a shower after I'm done with this. haha.
070. Listening to → Nothing.
071. Plans for today → Movies with the boyfriend later.
072. Waiting for → Nothing...?

073. Want kids? → Yes.
074. Want to get married? → Yes
075. Careers in mind → Yep, I know what I want to do.
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes? I like eyes in a guy.
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller because I'm short. lol.
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Hmm, both.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach.
080. Sensitive or loud → Hmm, I like people who can be both.
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship.
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Hesitant.

083. Lost glasses/contacts → haha Oh yes.
084. Ran away from home → Nah.
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No.
086. Killed somebody → Nope.
087. Broken someone’s heart → Yeah probably.
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → lol. Yeah
089. Cried when someone died → Oh gosh yes...

090. Yourself → Yes
091. Miracles → Sometimes.
092. Love at first sight → Yes.
093. Heaven → No.
094. Santa Claus → Yes. He's real I tell ya! I see him every year at the mall!! :p
095. Sex on the first date → No.
096. Kiss on the first date → Yeah.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes. :wub:
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Yes, very.
099. Do you believe in God → Not God...a creator. A supreme being if you will.
001. Real name → Christelle Voltaire
002. Nickname(s)→ Stell, Mikage, Michael (and my BFF is Janet)
003. Zodiac sign → Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp
004. Male or female → Biologically female, mentally genderless.
005. Elementary → Westhill Boarding School
006. Middle School → Hell.
007. High School → Ohtori Academy =P
008. Hair color → Brown/ Dark brown
009. Long or short → Short when curly, medium-length (Michaelish) if I straighten it.
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Camera
013. Health freak → Not at all.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → At the moment, no.
016. Eat or Drink → Drink
017. Piercings → Just my ears
018. Tattoos → None ATM, but will get an MJ tattoo on my b-day.

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes.
020. Been in a relationship → No.
021. Been in a car accident → No.
022. Been in a fist fight → Yes. (1st grade, got suspended for beating up a fourth grader who was one of my brother's friends.)

023. First piercing → 5 years old, got my ears pierced (Not my idea...)
024. First best friend → 7th grade, a girl named Robin.
025. First award → 1st grade,a scholarship due to academic success (I went to a private school for the first few years of elementary.)
026. First crush → 7th grade, on one of my teachers whose name I can no longer recall. First time I fell in love was with my former best friend in 8th grade.
028. First big vacation → Disneyworld in 10th grade. Loved it, hope to go back. I would work there if I could, that's how amazing it was. :)

029. Last person you talked to → My friend Taylor
030. Last person you texted → My bff Adriana
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> My bff Adriana
033. Last movie you watched → Moonwalker & The Wiz
034. Last song you listened to → Threatened by Michael Jackson
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001. Real name → A secret! (although some of you know!)
002. Nickname(s)→ Sir Wandsorth, D-Low.
003. Zodiac sign → Pisces
004. Male or female → All woman
005. Primary School → None of your beeswax!
006. Junior School → None of your beeswax!
007. High School → None of your beeswax!
008. Hair color → Black
009. Long or short → Mid length and curly
010. Loud or Quiet → I have my quiet moments, but I can be loud too
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Camera, I hate phones
013. Health freak → 50/50
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → I'm pretty much married, does that count?
016. Eat or Drink → Drink
017. Piercings → No
018. Tattoos → freakin covered in them

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → Yes :(
022. Been in a fist fight → No

023. First piercing → Lip
024. First best friend → A girl called Anna who moved to our school from america
025. First award → 1st place in an easter bonnet competition - aged 5
026. First crush → Leo DiCaprio
028. First big vacation → Florida

029. Last person you talked to → My other half
030. Last person you texted → MY other halfs mum
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> My other half (im sensing a pattern here....
033. Last movie you watched → Inception
034. Last song you listened to → NIN - closer to God
035. Last thing you bought → A picture frame
036. Last person you hugged → The worlds cutest 18month old

037. Food → Salmon
038. Drinks → Diet Cherry Cola
039. Clothing → My Jeans
040. Flower → Lily
041. Books → The time travellers wife - befo9rei t was turned into a crap movie that i refuse to watch
042. Colors → Purple
043. Movies → toooo many
044. Subjects → I havent been to school for a decade

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: yep
046: celebrated halloween: Yep
047. had your heart broken:For the first time, no
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: Always, horrid thing
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: my own a few times
050. came out of the closet: No
051. gotten pregnant: No
052. had an abortion: No
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yes
054. broke a promise: No
055. hid a secret: many of then
056. pretended to be happy: All the time
057. met someone who changed your life: Yes
058. pretended to be sick: No
059. left the country: Yes
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: Yes
061. cried over the silliest thing: Always
062. ran a mile: Yes
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): No
064. got into an argument with your friends: Yes, very big ones
065. hated someone: Yes
066. done something good for someone else: Yes

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Coffee:coffee:
069. I’m about to → Tidy my flat, rock and roll saturday
070. Listening to → Nine inch nails
071. Plans for today → Day is done, time to get my clean on
072. Waiting for → Nothing

073. Want kids? → Im not sure
074. Want to get married? → Absolutely
075. Careers in mind → Already on track
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Im tall
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous Romance :)
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → ooOOO bit of both

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes
084. Ran away from home → Yes
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → Yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Always...I hate phones!!!
089. Cried when someone died → Ofcourse

090. Yourself → Im getting there slowly
091. Miracles → No
092. Love at first sight → Yes
093. Heaven → No
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → No
096. Kiss on the first date → Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → No, I have some time to myself for the first time in days
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Not really, Im having some health issues which requires surgery on tuesday
099. Do you believe in God → No
001. Real name → Ekaterina
002. Nickname(s)→ JMie
003. Zodiac sign → Gemini
004. Male or female → female
005. Elementary → Electrostal school#11 (Electrostal is my hometown, it's near Moscow)
006. Middle School → ^^ same
007. High School → ^^ same and that school #8 in the same town
008. Hair color → Black
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Both
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Both!
013. Health freak → Trying to be
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → No :(
016. Eat or Drink → Drink
017. Piercings → Ears and belly button
018. Tattoos → Thinking of getting one

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → No

023. First piercing → Ears, when I was about 12
024. First best friend → A girl in elementary school
025. First award → In school
026. First crush → Aguy I met when I was 12
028. First big vacation → With my school mates when I was 16

029. Last person you talked to → My friend who gave me a lift home
030. Last person you texted → My mom
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> I don't remember
033. Last movie you watched → Plan B (horrible movie)
034. Last song you listened to → Lost Children
035. Last thing you bought → Food
036. Last person you hugged → My friend whose birthday we were celebrating today

037. Food → spagetti
038. Drinks → tomato juice
039. Clothing → jeans
040. Flower → daisy
041. Books → Lord of the Rings
042. Colors → pink!
043. Movies → Forest Gump, Leaving Las Vegas, Lord of the Rings
044. Subjects → hmmmm I don't know

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: yes
046: celebrated halloween: no
047. had your heart broken: no
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: no
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: no
050. came out of the closet: no
051. gotten pregnant: no
052. had an abortion: no
053. done something you’ve regretted: no
054. broke a promise: a promise to myself
055. hid a secret: no
056. pretended to be happy: yes
057. met someone who changed your life: yes
058. pretended to be sick: yes
059. left the country: if you mean vacation, then yes
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: not that I can think of
061. cried over the silliest thing: no
062. ran a mile: no
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): yes
064. got into an argument with your friends: yes
065. hated someone: yes, Murray
066. done something good for someone else: yes, hopefully

067. Eating → no
068. Drinking → no
069. I’m about to → go to sleep
070. Listening to → CNN
071. Plans for today → no plans, it's sunday yay!
072. Waiting for → vacation

073. Want kids? → yes
074. Want to get married? → yes
075. Careers in mind → I dont have anything specific in mind
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → both!
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → both, lol
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Trouble-maker

083. Lost glasses/contacts → no
084. Ran away from home → no
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → no
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone’s heart → dont know
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → yes
089. Cried when someone died → yes :(

090. Yourself → yes
091. Miracles → yes
092. Love at first sight → yes
093. Heaven → yes (because I believe that Michael is in heaven)
094. Santa Claus → yes! :)
095. Sex on the first date → if I like my date that much, then yes
096. Kiss on the first date → yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → no
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → no
099. Do you believe in God →I believe in some higher power.
Since I Have nothing better to do on a

^ This. :lol:

001. Real name → Lorraine
002. Nickname(s)→ Loz
003. Zodiac sign → Aries
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary →
006. Middle School →
007. High School →
008. Hair color → Brown
009. Long or short → Longish
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Phone ( With a good camera ) :p
013. Health freak → Not really. :mello:
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Hmm.. maybe.
016. Eat or Drink → Both
017. Piercings → Ears
018. Tattoos → Nope.

019. Been in an airplane→ Many times. :happy:
020. Been in a relationship → Yes.
021. Been in a car accident → Not a major one.
022. Been in a fist fight → No. :D

023. First piercing → Ears aged 3
024. First best friend → Michelle
025. First award → Probably swimming. :lol:
026. First crush → MJ ;D
028. First big vacation → Spain

029. Last person you talked to → Daughter
030. Last person you texted → Friend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> My friend Natalie & My daughter
033. Last movie you watched → This is it
034. Last song you listened to → Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart
035. Last thing you bought → Grocery's
036. Last person you hugged → My kids goodnight.

037. Food → Chicken/fish/Indian food.
038. Drinks → Coke
039. Clothing → Casual wear.
040. Flower → Lillies
041. Books → Romance
042. Colors → Dark reds
043. Movies → chick flicks. :D
044. Subjects → Erm. :unsure: Anything.

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yes
046: celebrated halloween: No
047. had your heart broken: Yes
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: No
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: Yes
050. came out of the closet: No
051. gotten pregnant: No
052. had an abortion: No
053. done something you’ve regretted: Not really.
054. broke a promise: No
055. hid a secret: Don't think so.
056. pretended to be happy: Yes. At times...
057. met someone who changed your life: Yes
058. pretended to be sick: No
059. left the country: Yes
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: Yes, Squid. LOL
061. cried over the silliest thing: Yes.
062. ran a mile: No. :bugeyed
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): Yes
064. got into an argument with your friends: No
065. hated someone: Hate is a strong word.. Disliked, Yes.
066. done something good for someone else: Yes.

067. Eating → Nothing.
068. Drinking → Beer. :mello:
069. I’m about to → Type. lol
070. Listening to → The TV
071. Plans for today → The day is almost over.
072. Waiting for → My bed. :sleep:

073. Want kids? → I have 3 :wub:
074. Want to get married? → Maybe.
075. Careers in mind → Midwifery
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Both. :p
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Both.
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → No
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No.. wtf.
087. Broken someone’s heart → No
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → Yes. :cry:

090. Yourself → Sometimes.
091. Miracles → Yes
092. Love at first sight → No
093. Heaven → I hope there is something.
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → No
096. Kiss on the first date → yes ( nothing too heavy )

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → A few people..
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No
099. Do you believe in God → I believe in something.. Not sure what.
Enjoying these responses guys. Keep em comin!
001. Real name → Logan Smedley
002. Nickname(s)→
003. Zodiac sign → Sagittarius
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary → *Primary* umm Weston School, Glenbrook School and Wairakei School.
006. Middle School → Cobham Intermediate
007. High School → Burnside High School - still there
008. Hair color → Brown
009. Long or short → Short
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → Far from it
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Always, i'm a crush slut there's always someone in my sight o.o
016. Eat or Drink → Eat
017. Piercings → None
018. Tattoos → None

019. Been in an airplane→ Heaps of times
020. Been in a relationship → Sort of yep
021. Been in a car accident → Not a serious one
022. Been in a fist fight → Nope

023. First piercing → --
024. First best friend → Umm Henry someone... when i was like 3
025. First award → Would of been some feel good award from Playcentre
026. First crush → Kate
028. First big vacation → I spose my trip to Auckland. We went back there after we moved back down south. Haven't been out of the country before.

029. Last person you talked to → My Mum
030. Last person you texted → *checks phone* Vincent
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> Vincent and Dylan
033. Last movie you watched → Inception, watched it yesterday with ^^
034. Last song you listened to → Just Keep Walking - INXS
035. Last thing you bought → A white chocolate and blueberry muffin lol. it was good
036. Last person you hugged → My friend on friday

037. Food → Mince and Cheese pies!!!
038. Drinks → Mountain Dew
039. Clothing → Just whatever
040. Flower → Umm I only know the names of like 2 different ones :p
041. Books →
042. Colors → Navy blue
043. Movies → Casablanca, Most of the Bond movies, Pulp Fiction, Alien Quadrilogy, Repo! The Genetic Opera. Those are the first ones that came to mind
044. Subjects → Economics

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: yes
046: celebrated halloween: never have, it's not very big in New Zealand
047. had your heart broken: sort of
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: nope
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation:
050. came out of the closet: no
051. gotten pregnant: fucking hope not. I'd get shit loads of cash from interviews on Oprah and Ellen though if i did.
052. had an abortion: I'm thinkin not
053. done something you’ve regretted: many things
054. broke a promise: yes
055. hid a secret: yes
056. pretended to be happy: for about 6 months. I was depressed and tried to put on a happy face for people
057. met someone who changed your life: not last year, no
058. pretended to be sick: nope
059. left the country: nope
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: yep
061. cried over the silliest thing: i do that sometimes, yes lol
062. ran a mile: yep
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): the beach is one of my least favourite places to go
064. got into an argument with your friends: with one in particular yes
065. hated someone: a couple of people
066. done something good for someone else: i like to think i do

067. Eating → should be having breakfast
068. Drinking → Water
069. I’m about to → go get breakfast and get dressed
070. Listening to → iTunes on shuffle. P!nk is on
071. Plans for today → Study for a test and maybe go to a family get-together thing.
072. Waiting for → The next thing coming i'm waiting for is the debut Kids of '88 album to come out. Comes out on the 16th

073. Want kids? → Yes
074. Want to get married? → Yes
075. Careers in mind → something in Commerce, Economics etc.
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Both
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant i spose

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → Not for self defense
086. Killed somebody → Do people on Halo count?
087. Broken someone’s heart → No
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → Yes. I'm terrible at funerals lol

090. Yourself → More than i used to
091. Miracles → yes
092. Love at first sight → no
093. Heaven → ish
094. Santa Claus → lol sure
095. Sex on the first date → Being a virgin this hasn't happened before o.o lol But sure why not meet them straight to the bedroom and fuck like jack rabbits.
I kid i don't knowm i'll get back to you in a few years when i have an opinion :p
096. Kiss on the first date → Maybe. probably yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Sort of
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No, i'm not a fan of my life. I don't like the way i'm seen by other people, the past decisions i've made that have led to where i am now or the continuing bad decisions that i make.
099. Do you believe in God →I believe in a higher power. I do not believe in "God" or the bible.
001. Real name → Sioned
002. Nickname(s)→ Sionz
003. Zodiac sign → Capricorn
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary → Ysgol Meithrin
006. Middle School → Ysgol Cefn Coch
007. High School → Ysgol Ardudwy
008. Hair color → Dyed red
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → A bit of both really, depends on who I'm with
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera →Phone
013. Health freak → Yes
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yep
016. Eat or Drink → Drink
017. Piercings → Nope
018. Tattoos →Not yet

019. Been in an airplane→ Nope
020. Been in a relationship → Nope
021. Been in a car accident → Nope
022. Been in a fist fight → Nope

023. First piercing → Nil
024. First best friend → Sophie
025. First award → 1st place in Eisteddfod for singing
026. First crush → I can't remember, he mustn't have been that special then, l
028. First big vacation → Haven't really been on holiday

029. Last person you talked to → My Mum
030. Last person you texted → My friend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> My mates, Lisa and Kelly
033. Last movie you watched → Shutter Island
034. Last song you listened to → Michael Jackson, Give in to me
035. Last thing you bought → Jeggins
036. Last person you hugged →My friend

037. Food → Cheeeeeeseeeeee
038. Drinks → Tea, coffee, frappe, anything caffeine.
039. Clothing → My body shaping pants, they're my saviour
040. Flower → Lillies
041. Books → Anything Stephen King
042. Colors → Green
043. Movies → Again anything Stephen King, horror movies, especially saw
044. Subjects →Law, Psychology, Literature

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yep
046: celebrated halloween: Yep
047. had your heart broken: Yep unfortunately, who doesn't now days
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: Nope
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: yep
050. came out of the closet: Nope
051. gotten pregnant: Nope
052. had an abortion: Nope
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yep
054. broke a promise: Ummm I don't think so, I hope not
055. hid a secret: Yep
056. pretended to be happy: All the time
057. met someone who changed your life: Nope
058. pretended to be sick: Nope
059. left the country: Nope
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it:Nope
061. cried over the silliest thing: Nope
062. ran a mile: Nope
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): Yep
064. got into an argument with your friends: Nope
065. hated someone: Yep
066. done something good for someone else: I baked cakes for my friend for when she came home from hospital

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Coffee
069. I’m about to → Check my facebook
070. Listening to → MJ!
071. Plans for today → Chill, its my day off
072. Waiting for → A phonecall from my auntie

073. Want kids? → Yep
074. Want to get married? → mmm we'll see
075. Careers in mind → Lawyer or a forensic psychologist.
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Can't it be both
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice Stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Mmm a bit of both, if that's possible

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Nope
084. Ran away from home → Yep
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → Nope
086. Killed somebody → Nope
087. Broken someone’s heart → I hope not
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yep
089. Cried when someone died →Yep

090. Yourself → Nope
091. Miracles → Nope
092. Love at first sight → Yep
093. Heaven → Nope
094. Santa Claus → Nope
095. Sex on the first date → Nope
096. Kiss on the first date → Yep

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yep, but you know if its not meant to be then its not meant to be.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Not really, but moving away soon to uni so hopefuly things will start to turn up
099. Do you believe in God → Nope
well I guess I have nothing better to do on a saturday night...:lmao:

001. Real name →Donna
002. Nickname(s)→none
003. Zodiac sign →cancer
004. Male or female →female
005. Elementary →not in a long time
006. Middle School →not for a long time
007. High School →not for a long time
008. Hair color → Blonde
009. Long or short →long
010. Loud or Quiet →in between
011. Sweats or Jeans →jeans
012. Phone or Camera →phone
013. Health freak →naa
015. Do you have a crush on someone? →my husband
016. Eat or Drink →drink...(water)
017. Piercings →ears..when I was 6
018. Tattoos →no ..but I want one.. a Michael one

019. Been in an airplane→no
020. Been in a relationship →yup I have been married for 26 years
021. Been in a car accident →yes
022. Been in a fist fight →no

023. First piercing →ears
024. First best friend →Maryland...in first grade
025. First award →chorus 1st grade
026. First crush →Mark....Marylands twin brother..lol
028. First big vacation →when I was a kid we went to New Hampshire

029. Last person you talked to →Husband
030. Last person you texted →daughter
031. Last person you watched a movie with —Husband
033. Last movie you watched →The notebook...He watched it for me..
034. Last song you listened to →speechless
035. Last thing you bought →water bottles
036. Last person you hugged →Husband

037. Food →chinese
038. Drinks →water
039. Clothing →jeans and t-shirts
040. Flower →carnations
041. Books →Cowslip....Bible
042. Colors →Blue
043. Movies →The Bodyguard
044. Subjects →English...I always did well.

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone:yes
046: celebrated halloween:yes
047. had your heart broken:yes..:boohoo:
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone:no
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation:no
050. came out of the closet:no
051. gotten pregnant:no
052. had an abortion:no
053. done something you’ve regretted:yes
054. broke a promise:no
055. hid a secret:no
056. pretended to be happy:yes
057. met someone who changed your life:no
058. pretended to be sick:no
059. left the country:no
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it:no
061. cried over the silliest thing:yes
062. ran a mile::lmao:...no
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s):no
064. got into an argument with your friends:no
065. hated someone:hate is a strong word....but yeah...I hate someone.
066. done something good for someone else:yes

067. Eating →traimix
068. Drinking →water
069. I’m about to →get some real food
070. Listening to →nothing
071. Plans for today →relax
072. Waiting for →dinner

073. Want kids? →already have two...they are 20 and 17
074. Want to get married? →been married for 26 years.
075. Careers in mind →jewelry designer
076. Lips or eyes →lips
077. Shorter or taller? →taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous →romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms →arms
080. Sensitive or loud →sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship →relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant →kindda both..

083. Lost glasses/contacts →no
084. Ran away from home →no....but I would like to somedays..
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense →no
086. Killed somebody →no
087. Broken someone’s heart →yeah you cought me..lol
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose →yes
089. Cried when someone died →yes..:boohoo:

090. Yourself →yes
091. Miracles →yes
092. Love at first sight →yes
093. Heaven →yes
094. Santa Claus →Of course....Santa Baby..bring a present for me
095. Sex on the first date →no
096. Kiss on the first date →yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? →husband
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? →yes
099. Do you believe in God → Yes
Last edited:
001. Real name → Alanna
002. Nickname(s)→ Lana, Lana Banana
003. Zodiac sign → Capricorn
004. Male or female → female
005. Elementary → Redwood Acres Public School,
006. Middle School → Pinecrest Public School
007. High School → Confederation Secondary School
008. Hair color → Blonde
009. Long or short → short
010. Loud or Quiet → quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → sweats
012. Phone or Camera → phone
013. Health freak → most of the time
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → yes, my boyfriend of 13 years :wub: ...and Michael...lol
016. Eat or Drink → eat
017. Piercings → ears
018. Tattoos → one on my lower back..celtic design with purple flower

019. Been in an airplane→ yes
020. Been in a relationship → yes
021. Been in a car accident → no
022. Been in a fist fight → no

023. First piercing → navel
024. First best friend → Ingrid, grade one
025. First award → can't remember...
026. First crush → Shawn...first grade i think
028. First big vacation → Disneyworld when I was 10 years old

029. Last person you talked to → my bofyriend
030. Last person you texted → my sister in law
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> with family
033. Last movie you watched → Paranormal Activity
034. Last song you listened to → Ne-yo - Miss Independent
035. Last thing you bought → probably groceries...lol
036. Last person you hugged → my bf

037. Food → fruit or veggies
038. Drinks → vitamin water or Red Bull
039. Clothing → anything comfortable, although I love to dress up occasionally
040. Flower → lillies
041. Books → don't have favourite
042. Colors → green, coral/peach
043. Movies → comedy
044. Subjects → english

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: yes
046: celebrated halloween: yes
047. had your heart broken: yes...
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: yes
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: yes
050. came out of the closet: no
051. gotten pregnant: no
052. had an abortion: no
053. done something you’ve regretted: yes
054. broke a promise: not that i know of..
055. hid a secret: yes
056. pretended to be happy: yes
057. met someone who changed your life: yes
058. pretended to be sick: yes
059. left the country: no
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: yes, sushi
061. cried over the silliest thing: i always do..lol
062. ran a mile: no
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): yes
064. got into an argument with your friends: yup
065. hated someone: yes
066. done something good for someone else: yes, i always try to

067. Eating → no
068. Drinking → no
069. I’m about to → go to work :(
070. Listening to → Sexy Bitch - Akon and David Guetta
071. Plans for today → working night shift :(
072. Waiting for → night shift to be over

073. Want kids? → yes
074. Want to get married? → nah...
075. Careers in mind → i'm a nurse...
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → arms
080. Sensitive or loud → sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → yes, numerous times
084. Ran away from home → no
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → no
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone’s heart → yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → yes
089. Cried when someone died → yes :cry:

090. Yourself → yes
091. Miracles → yes
092. Love at first sight → sometimes
093. Heaven → yes
094. Santa Claus → no
095. Sex on the first date → no
096. Kiss on the first date → yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → lots of people
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → most of the time, yes
099. Do you believe in God → i believe in a higher being...
001. Real name → CR
002. Nickname(s)→ R
003. Zodiac sign → aries
004. Male or female → female
005. Elementary → freihof grundschule
006. Middle School → -
007. High School → john f kennedy high school
008. Hair color → Brown/ browinish black
009. Long or short → long
010. Loud or Quiet → loud
011. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
012. Phone or Camera →phone
013. Health freak → no
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → yes
016. Eat or Drink → eat
017. Piercings → 1
018. Tattoos → nope

019. Been in an airplane→ yes
020. Been in a relationship → not really
021. Been in a car accident → nope
022. Been in a fist fight → no

023. First piercing → 16, got my ears pierced at 2 though before that
024. First best friend → mujl
025. First award → none
026. First crush → when I was 10
028. First big vacation → at 2

029. Last person you talked to → my sis
030. Last person you texted → my best friend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> my sis
033. Last movie you watched → karate kid
034. Last song you listened to → suerte by shakira
035. Last thing you bought → some groceries
036. Last person you hugged → my sis

037. Food → hamburger, pizza, french fries, pasta
038. Drinks → water
039. Clothing → trendy stuff
040. Flower → roses
041. Books → cinco mujeres y media, evil kiss,
042. Colors → turqouise
043. Movies → persuit of happiness
044. Subjects →math

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: no
046: celebrated halloween: no
047. had your heart broken: yes
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: yes
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: yes
050. came out of the closet: no
051. gotten pregnant: no
052. had an abortion: no
053. done something you’ve regretted: yes
054. broke a promise: yes
055. hid a secret: yes
056. pretended to be happy: yes
057. met someone who changed your life: no
058. pretended to be sick: yes
059. left the country: no
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: idk
061. cried over the silliest thing: yes
062. ran a mile: nope
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): nope
064. got into an argument with your friends: yes
065. hated someone: yes
066. done something good for someone else: yes

067. Eating → nothing
068. Drinking → nothin
069. I’m about to → go to the bathroom then to bed
070. Listening to → nothing
071. Plans for today → going to bed
072. Waiting for → someone to come and take me away

073. Want kids? → yes
074. Want to get married? → not sure
075. Careers in mind → in economics or law
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → trouble maker

083. Lost glasses/contacts → yes
084. Ran away from home → only for 2 hours
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → never
086. Killed somebody → nope
087. Broken someone’s heart → yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → yes
089. Cried when someone died → yes

090. Yourself → I dont think so
091. Miracles → I would like to, so yes
092. Love at first sight → dont know anymore but yes
093. Heaven → not sure
094. Santa Claus → Im a big kid so yes
095. Sex on the first date → nope
096. Kiss on the first date → nope

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → no
099. Do you believe in God →deep down Im sure I do
Last edited:
001. Real name → Alyssa
002. Nickname(s)→ Alys, Geeta, Red, Ginger
003. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary →
006. Middle School →
007. High School →
008. Hair color → Ginger/Red
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Wee bitta both
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → Yeah
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Nah not really, well, Michael! hehe
016. Eat or Drink → Eat
017. Piercings → Just my two wee ears
018. Tattoos → Not YET!! :D

019. Been in an airplane→ Yup
020. Been in a relationship → Not a proper one
021. Been in a car accident → Nope
022. Been in a fist fight → Nope

023. First piercing → Ears when i was 2
024. First best friend → Em...Sarah and Alicia in Primary School
025. First award → Irish Dancing Trophy
026. First crush → Emmm...Darragh (still kinda do fancy him lol)
028. First big vacation → Ibiza in 1994 i think

029. Last person you talked to → My mum
030. Last person you texted → *checks* Rachel
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> Rachel
033. Last movie you watched → Shrek 4
034. Last song you listened to → On the line- MJ
035. Last thing you bought → Make up
036. Last person you hugged → My dog! lol

037. Food → mmm Chinese or else irish stew mmmm
038. Drinks → Sprite Zero
039. Clothing → A wee dress or else a pair of jogging bottoms and a top
040. Flower → A Rose or a Sunflower or a Lilly
041. Books → Not really a book reader tbh
042. Colors → Pink, white, black, blue, yellow, red, green, purple dont really have a favourite. lol
043. Movies → Scary movies, romantic ones and the odd comedy
044. Subjects → ICT

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yup
046: celebrated halloween: Yeah
047. had your heart broken: Yeah :(
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: No
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: haha yeah
050. came out of the closet: No
051. gotten pregnant: No
052. had an abortion: No
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yea
054. broke a promise: No
055. hid a secret: Yeah
056. pretended to be happy: Yeah
057. met someone who changed your life: Yeah
058. pretended to be sick: Yeah
059. left the country: Yeah
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: em dont think so
061. cried over the silliest thing: Yeah
062. ran a mile: No lol
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): Nope
064. got into an argument with your friends: Yeah lol
065. hated someone: Yes!
066. done something good for someone else: Yeah

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Nothing
069. I’m about to → Sleep
070. Listening to → the voices in my head lol Joke
071. Plans for today → tonight....Sleep
072. Waiting for → this bloody survey to end! LOL

073. Want kids? → Yeah
074. Want to get married? → Yeah
075. Careers in mind → haven't a notion right now!
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → bit of both
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms i suppose
080. Sensitive or loud → in between
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Yeah
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → No
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → Yes

090. Yourself → Yes
091. Miracles → Yeah
092. Love at first sight → Dunno
093. Heaven → Yeah
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → No
096. Kiss on the first date → Yeah

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes!
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Em...I dunno
099. Do you believe in God → Yes

My arse is numb sitting here doing that survey! lol
It's interesting to see the amount of time people have on their hands :lol:.
It's interesting to see the amount of time people have on their hands :lol:.

you should come in Random Thoughts and see the things i post in there for the past 8 hours :lol: Yes a huge amount of time :lol:
hahaha i know its almost 3am and i just did that survey lol crazyyy
001. Real name → Desiree.
002. Nickname(s)→ Des, Desi.
003. Zodiac sign → Scorpio.
004. Male or female → Female.
005. Elementary → N/A (Kindergarten through second grade. Then I started homeschooling.)
006. Middle School → Homeschooled.
007. High School → Homeschooled.
008. Hair color → Black.
009. Long or short → It's about two inches past my shoulders, so I guess medium length.
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet.
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans.
012. Phone or Camera → Camera.
013. Health freak → No.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Not anymore.
016. Eat or Drink → Both.
017. Piercings → Two. My ears.
018. Tattoos → None. May get one in the future.

019. Been in an airplane→ Nope.
020. Been in a relationship → No.
021. Been in a car accident → Not a serious one.
022. Been in a fist fight → No.

023. First piercing → My ears.
024. First best friend → Aubrey. In the first grade.
025. First award → I don't know. I think it was a bowling trophy lol.
026. First crush → Sammy. In the first grade.
028. First big vacation → Disneyworld & Universal Studios. I can't remember how old I was.

029. Last person you talked to → My mother.
030. Last person you texted → My little sister.
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> I can't remember.
033. Last movie you watched → "Crash."
034. Last song you listened to → "Somebody To Love" - Queen.
035. Last thing you bought → A T-shirt.
036. Last person you hugged → My father.

037. Food → Chinese.
038. Drinks → Orange juice, Sprite, and water.
039. Clothing → Whatever I think looks cute.
040. Flower → Lillies, roses, tulips and magnolias.
041. Books → I don't really have one.. I need to read more.
042. Colors → Blue, black and purple.
043. Movies → Favorite type: Comedy, Drama, and Action. Favorite overall: Probably "The Pursuit of Happyness."
044. Subjects → Umm.. pass lol.

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: No.
046: celebrated halloween: No.
047. had your heart broken: Yes.
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: No.
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: Yes.
050. came out of the closet: No.
051. gotten pregnant: No.
052. had an abortion: No.
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yes.
054. broke a promise: Not to my knowledge.
055. hid a secret: Yes.
056. pretended to be happy: Yes.
057. met someone who changed your life: No.
058. pretended to be sick: No.
059. left the country: No.
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: No, I don't think so.
061. cried over the silliest thing: Probably.
062. ran a mile: LOL..
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): No.
064. got into an argument with your friends: Yes.
065. hated someone: Yes, unfortunately.
066. done something good for someone else: Yes.

067. Eating → Nothing.
068. Drinking → Water.
069. I’m about to → charge my iPod.
070. Listening to → Nothing.
071. Plans for today →The day is practically gone, so nothing.
072. Waiting for → Somthing to arrive in the mail.

073. Want kids? → Yes, absolutely! :wub:
074. Want to get married? → Yes and no. :lol:
075. Careers in mind → A Pediatrician.
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller.
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Both.
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms.
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive.
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant →

083. Lost glasses/contacts → No.
084. Ran away from home → No.
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No.
086. Killed somebody → No.
087. Broken someone’s heart → I don't think so.
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes.
089. Cried when someone died → :weeping:

090. Yourself → Yes.
091. Miracles → Yes.
092. Love at first sight → Not really.. I believe in lust at first sight. :shifty:
093. Heaven → Yes.
094. Santa Claus → No.
095. Sex on the first date → No.
096. Kiss on the first date → Yes.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Not completely.
099. Do you believe in God → Yes.
OMG... :lmao: Ah well, I'm bored so here it goes... Oh, it's 4:25 AM here... :lol:

001. Real name → Diana
002. Nickname(s)→ Diaan, Diaantje or Naan (stupid I know...)
003. Zodiac sign → Pisces
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary → None of your beeswax
006. Middle School → None of your beeswax
007. High School → None of your beeswax
008. Hair color → Brown/Black
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet, but depends on who I'm with...
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Both
013. Health freak → 50/50
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yesss, Michael! :wub: LOL!
016. Eat or Drink → Drink
017. Piercings → Ears, and at one time a tongue piercing, but only for three months or something...
018. Tattoos → No, thinking about an MJ tattoo...

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes, unfortunately
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → No

023. First piercing → Ears
024. First best friend → Frida
025. First award → Can't remember...
026. First crush → Uhm, Michael?
028. First big vacation → Can't remember...

029. Last person you talked to → My boyfriend
030. Last person you texted → A friend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> A friend
033. Last movie you watched → Salt
034. Last song you listened to → Escape
035. Last thing you bought → MJ t-shirt
036. Last person you hugged → A friend

037. Food → Vegetarian
038. Drinks → Diet Coke
039. Clothing → Jeans & t-shirts
040. Flower → Roses, sunflowers
041. Books → Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien
042. Colors → Black
043. Movies → Horror & SF movies
044. Subjects → ?

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yes
046: celebrated halloween: No
047. had your heart broken: Yes
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: ?
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: Yes
050. came out of the closet: No
051. gotten pregnant: No
052. had an abortion: No
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yes
054. broke a promise: No
055. hid a secret: No
056. pretended to be happy: Yes
057. met someone who changed your life: Yes
058. pretended to be sick: No
059. left the country: No
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: Yes
061. cried over the silliest thing: No
062. ran a mile: No
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): No
064. got into an argument with your friends: No
065. hated someone: No
066. done something good for someone else: Hopefully

067. Eating → No
068. Drinking → No
069. I’m about to → Go to sleep
070. Listening to → MJ
071. Plans for today → Going to bed
072. Waiting for → Sleep...

073. Want kids? → Not sure...
074. Want to get married? → Not sure...
075. Careers in mind → No
076. Lips or eyes → Lips
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → No
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → Yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → Yes

090. Yourself → Yes
091. Miracles → Yes
092. Love at first sight → Yes
093. Heaven → Not sure...
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → No
096. Kiss on the first date → Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No
099. Do you believe in God → Not sure...
What the heck, it's only 2AM...

001. Real name →Suzanne
002. Nickname(s)→Suzy
003. Zodiac sign →Virgo
004. Male or female →Female
005. Elementary →Somewhere in Brooklyn, NY
006. Middle School →Somewhere in Brooklyn, NY
007. High School →Somewhere in Brooklyn, NY
008. Hair color → Brown
009. Long or short →Shoulder length
010. Loud or Quiet →Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans →Sweats
012. Phone or Camera →Phone
013. Health freak →NOOOO
015. Do you have a crush on someone? →Maybe
016. Eat or Drink →Eat
017. Piercings →Just ears
018. Tattoos →Nope

019. Been in an airplane→Yes
020. Been in a relationship →MYOB
021. Been in a car accident →Yes
022. Been in a fist fight →Plenty as a kid

023. First piercing →Ears, age 24?
024. First best friend →Can't remember
025. First award →Never
026. First crush →Lance Kerwin, actor in the 70's
028. First big vacation →Las Vegas, 2004?

029. Last person you talked to →Mom
030. Last person you texted →Sister
031. Last person you watched a movie with —>Mom
033. Last movie you watched →Can't recall, not big on movies
034. Last song you listened to →I Love New York, Madonna
035. Last thing you bought →Groceries
036. Last person you hugged →Not much of a hugger but my aunt/cousin hugged me when they visited last weekend.

037. Food →Bacon Cheeseburgers
038. Drinks →Diet Pepsi
039. Clothing →Night gown
040. Flower →Pink carnation?
041. Books →Most any by Stephen King
042. Colors →Blue
043. Movies →Grease/Titanic
044. Subjects →Art/music/creative writing

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Probably a relative
046: celebrated halloween:Not really
047. had your heart broken:No
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone:No
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation:Yes
050. came out of the closet:Was never in the closet
051. gotten pregnant:NOOOO
052. had an abortion:NO
053. done something you’ve regretted:No
054. broke a promise:No
055. hid a secret:Yes
056. pretended to be happy:Yes
057. met someone who changed your life:No
058. pretended to be sick:Yes
059. left the country:No
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it:Can't recall
061. cried over the silliest thing:Yes
062. ran a mile:No
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s):Hate the beach
064. got into an argument with your friends:No
065. hated someone:No
066. done something good for someone else:Yes

067. Eating →Nothing
068. Drinking →Ginger tea
069. I’m about to →Go to bed
070. Listening to →Nothing
071. Plans for today →Sleep
072. Waiting for →This survey to end

073. Want kids? →No
074. Want to get married? →Not sure
075. Careers in mind →No, any suggestions?
076. Lips or eyes →Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? →Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous →Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms →Neither
080. Sensitive or loud →Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship →Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant →Hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts →No
084. Ran away from home →No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense →No
086. Killed somebody →No
087. Broken someone’s heart →Not that I'm aware
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose →All the time
089. Cried when someone died →Yes

090. Yourself →Not always
091. Miracles →Sometimes
092. Love at first sight →Not anymore
093. Heaven →Maybe
094. Santa Claus →I believe in the concept
095. Sex on the first date →No
096. Kiss on the first date →A smooch

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? →Maybe
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? →No
099. Do you believe in God → Yes
oh nice

001. Real name → Dafna
002. Nickname(s)→ Daf, Dafi, dafnush, daffy duck lol
003. Zodiac sign → Taurus
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary →
006. Middle School →
007. High School →
008. Hair color → Blonde
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → both
013. Health freak → no
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → not at the moment
016. Eat or Drink → both
017. Piercings → yes
018. Tattoos → no

019. Been in an airplane→ yes
020. Been in a relationship → yes
021. Been in a car accident → no
022. Been in a fist fight → no

023. First piercing → ears..when I was 2-3 years old
024. First best friend → in elementary school
025. First award → I don’t remember..I think it was for swimming
026. First crush → in school
028. First big vacation → France

029. Last person you talked to → mom
030. Last person you texted → a friend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> my friend
033. Last movie you watched → dirty dancing
034. Last song you listened to → on the line
035. Last thing you bought → coffee
036. Last person you hugged → my brother

037. Food → Hummus, French fries, chicken schnitzel
038. Drinks → Nestea peach
039. Clothing → I like buyingXD
040. Flower → Lily, Lilac
041. Books → many
042. Colors → pink, purple, red. black
043. Movies → I like
044. Subjects → everything

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: yes
046: celebrated halloween: no
047. had your heart broken: no
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: no
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: no
050. came out of the closet: no
051. gotten pregnant: no
052. had an abortion: no
053. done something you’ve regretted: yes
054. broke a promise: yes to myself
055. hid a secret: yes
056. pretended to be happy: yes
057. met someone who changed your life: yeah
058. pretended to be sick: yes
059. left the country: no
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: no
061. cried over the silliest thing: yes
062. ran a mile: no
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): yes
064. got into an argument with your friends: yes
065. hated someone: no
066. done something good for someone else: yes

067. Eating → nothing
068. Drinking → nothing
069. I’m about to → take a shower
070. Listening to → Stillness of Heart

071. Plans for today → yes
072. Waiting for → the end of this month

073. Want kids? → yes!
074. Want to get married? → yes!
075. Careers in mind → yes
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → I’m tall so taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → both
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → both
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → yes
084. Ran away from home → no
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → yes
086. Killed somebody → no
087. Broken someone’s heart → probably yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → yes
089. Cried when someone died → yes

090. Yourself → I’m trying
091. Miracles → no
092. Love at first sight → yes
093. Heaven → no
094. Santa Claus →no
095. Sex on the first date → no
096. Kiss on the first date → maybe

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → no
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → not really
099. Do you believe in God → no
001. Real name → Shayla
002. Nickname(s)→ Shay
003. Zodiac sign → Cancer
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary →
006. Middle School →
007. High School →
008. Hair colour → Dyed Black
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Loud
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Camera
013. Health freak → Yes
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes
016. Eat or Drink → Both
017. Piercings → Ear Piercings
018. Tattoos → Have an MJ tattoo

019. Been in an airplane→ No
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → No

023. First piercing → When I was 8
024. First best friend →
025. First award → Dancing
026. First crush → Michael Jackson
028. First big vacation → Sea World

029. Last person you talked to → My mom
030. Last person you texted → My friend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —>
033. Last movie you watched →
034. Last song you listened to → Sleepwalker Adam Lambert
035. Last thing you bought → Funnel Cakes
036. Last person you hugged → friend

037. Food → Avacados
038. Drinks → Dr Pepper.
039. Clothing → Anything glittery
040. Flower → Rose
041. Books → Grendel
042. Colors → Yellow
043. Movies → Titanic
044. Subjects → Music, Geography

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yes
046: celebrated halloween: Yes
047. had your heart broken: Yes
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: yes
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: yes
050. came out of the closet: nope
051. gotten pregnant: nope
052. had an abortion: no
053. done something you’ve regretted: yes
054. broke a promise: no
055. hid a secret: yes
056. pretended to be happy: yes
057. met someone who changed your life: yes
058. pretended to be sick: yes
059. left the country: no
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: yes
061. cried over the silliest thing: yes
062. ran a mile: yes
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): yes
064. got into an argument with your friends: yes
065. hated someone: yes
066. done something good for someone else: yes

067. Eating → nothing
068. Drinking → nothing
069. I’m about to → Answer the next question.
070. Listening to → nothing
071. Plans for today → working
072. Waiting for → Monday

073. Want kids? → maybe
074. Want to get married? → maybe
075. Careers in mind → Musician, Artist
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes
084. Ran away from home → Yes
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → Yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → of course

090. Yourself → Yes
091. Miracles → Of Course
092. Love at first sight → maybe
093. Heaven → not sure
094. Santa Claus → no
095. Sex on the first date → not sure
096. Kiss on the first date → maybe.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No
099. Do you believe in God → yes
Since it's too hot to get out of the house, here it goes :)

001. Real name → Lili
002. Nickname(s)→ Lilishor, Pisi, Lilik
003. Zodiac sign → Aries
004. Male or female → Female
005. Elementary → Nicolae Teclu
006. Middle School → Nicolae Teclu
007. High School → Doamna Stanca, Bucharest
008. Hair colour → Reddish brown
009. Long or short → Medium
010. Loud or Quiet → Both, it depends on the people I'm with
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Camera
013. Health freak → No
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes, hehe
016. Eat or Drink → Both
017. Piercings → Ear Piercings
018. Tattoos → I'm considering doing a MJ tattoo (his feet)

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → Sort of
022. Been in a fist fight → Yes, when I was little

023. First piercing → When I was 4
024. First best friend → Mihaela, I think
025. First award → Piano
026. First crush → hmm, Alex (first grade)
028. First big vacation → Moscow

029. Last person you talked to → My father
030. Last person you texted → My boyfriend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> my best friend
033. Last movie you watched → Leave her to Heaven
034. Last song you listened to → Depeche Mode - Strangelove
035. Last thing you bought → doughnuts
036. Last person you hugged → friend

037. Food → all veggies
038. Drinks → Coca Cola, Ice tea
039. Clothing → casual
040. Flower → sunflower, narcissus
041. Books → lots of favs. last one read "Extremely loud and incredibly close"
042. Colors → I like all colors
043. Movies → La vita e bella
044. Subjects → Music, Languages, Science

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: Yes
046: celebrated halloween: No
047. had your heart broken: Don't think so
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: no
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: no
050. came out of the closet: no
051. gotten pregnant: no
052. had an abortion: no
053. done something you’ve regretted: yes
054. broke a promise: no
055. hid a secret: yes
056. pretended to be happy: yes
057. met someone who changed your life: yes
058. pretended to be sick: yes
059. left the country: yes
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: maybe, can't recall
061. cried over the silliest thing: yes
062. ran a mile: probably
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): yes
064. got into an argument with your friends: yes
065. hated someone: yes
066. done something good for someone else: yes

067. Eating → nothing
068. Drinking → water
069. I’m about to → turn on the fan
070. Listening to → nothing
071. Plans for today → relaxing indoors
072. Waiting for → a call

073. Want kids? → maybe
074. Want to get married? → maybe
075. Careers in mind → President of the world...kidding. Editor
076. Lips or eyes → eyes
077. Shorter or taller? → taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → maybe both
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → no
084. Ran away from home → no
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → Yes
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → of course

090. Yourself → Yes
091. Miracles → lately...I don't know what to say
092. Love at first sight → maybe
093. Heaven → not sure
094. Santa Claus → no
095. Sex on the first date → not sure
096. Kiss on the first date → maybe.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No
099. Do you believe in God → yes
001. Real name → Jordan Tremblay
002. Nickname(s)→ Joe, Joseph, Crazy Legs, Michael Jordan
003. Zodiac sign → Virgo
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary → Happy Day, St. Anne's
006. Middle School → No middle school
007. High School → Iroquois Falls Secondary
008. Hair color → Dark Brown
009. Long or short → Long
010. Loud or Quiet → Between
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans in public, sweats at home
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → Yes
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → No, not right now
016. Eat or Drink → Drink
017. Piercings → No
018. Tattoos → Right top arm, Hinata Hyuga

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → No
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → No

023. First piercing → Never have, never will
024. First best friend → Andy, Grade 1
025. First award → I'm not sure yet
026. First crush → I can't say, too embarrassing
028. First big vacation → I think Ottawa, I was visiting my cousin and my aunt there

029. Last person you talked to → My mom on the phone
030. Last person you texted → I never text
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> I never thought about it
033. Last movie you watched → Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I think
034. Last song you listened to → "Bad"- Michael Jackson
035. Last thing you bought → I think snacks
036. Last person you hugged → My mom

037. Food → Chicken, rice, pizza, cheese
038. Drinks → Ice Tea
039. Clothing → T-shirts and sweaters
040. Flower → I love various flowers
041. Books → "The Oustiders"- S.E. Hinton, autobiogrpahies, mangas
042. Colors → Blue, Black and Gold
043. Movies → Naruto movies, Michael Jackson movies, mostly animated and comedy
044. Subjects → Art, Geogaphy

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: No
046: celebrated halloween: Yes
047. had your heart broken: Yes
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: My cellphone don't work right anymore
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: No
050. came out of the closet: Huh???
051. gotten pregnant: I'm a guy
052. had an abortion: I'm a guy and I don't believe in abortions
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yes
054. broke a promise: Never
055. hid a secret: Yes
056. pretended to be happy: Yes
057. met someone who changed your life: No
058. pretended to be sick: No
059. left the country: Once
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: I don't know
061. cried over the silliest thing: Kinda
062. ran a mile: No
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): No
064. got into an argument with your friends: Yes
065. hated someone: Yes
066. done something good for someone else: Yes

067. Eating → Nothing yet
068. Drinking → Nothing yet
069. I’m about to → View Michael Jackson Gothenburgh 1988 on YouTube
070. Listening to → "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"
071. Plans for today → No plans yet, except writing the next chapter for my fanfic on DeviantArt
072. Waiting for → Nothing

073. Want kids? → Yes
074. Want to get married? → Yes
075. Careers in mind → Just being an artist
076. Lips or eyes → Equally
077. Shorter or taller? → I don't really care at all
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Uh...spontaneous I guess
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant →

083. Lost glasses/contacts → No
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → Hell No!
087. Broken someone’s heart → No
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → No
089. Cried when someone died → Yes, but when I got older I couldn't, except for MJ

090. Yourself → Yes, most of the time
091. Miracles → Yes
092. Love at first sight → Yes
093. Heaven → Yes
094. Santa Claus → Yes
095. Sex on the first date → No comment
096. Kiss on the first date → I'd say...Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → I don't know yet
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → Yes
099. Do you believe in God → Yes
001. Real name → Kane
002. Nickname(s)→ N/A
003. Zodiac sign → Leo
004. Male or female → Male
005. Elementary → Eastfield
006. Middle School → Coomb Briggs
007. High School → Oasis Academy
008. Hair color → Brown
009. Long or short → Short
010. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Phone
013. Health freak → No
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → Yes
016. Eat or Drink → Eat
017. Piercings → No
018. Tattoos → No

019. Been in an airplane→ Yes
020. Been in a relationship → Yes
021. Been in a car accident → No
022. Been in a fist fight → Yes

023. First piercing → Ear
024. First best friend → A friend from primary school
025. First award → Swimming
026. First crush → Don't remember
028. First big vacation → Orlando

029. Last person you talked to → My Dad
030. Last person you texted → A friend
031. Last person you watched a movie with —> A friend
033. Last movie you watched → Karate Kid
034. Last song you listened to → Piano man
035. Last thing you bought → Sheet Music
036. Last person you hugged → Don't remember lol

037. Food → Lasagne
038. Drinks → Dr Pepper
039. Clothing → Jeans
040. Flower → N/A
041. Books → The Ice Man
042. Colors → Red and Blue
043. Movies → Paranormal Activity, The Godfather
044. Subjects → Unsure

IN 2009….. I
045. kissed someone: No
046: celebrated halloween: No
047. had your heart broken: No
048. went over the minutes on your cell phone: No
049. questioned someone’s sexual orientation: No
050. came out of the closet: No
051. gotten pregnant: No
052. had an abortion: No
053. done something you’ve regretted: Yes
054. broke a promise: No
055. hid a secret: No
056. pretended to be happy: Yes
057. met someone who changed your life: No
058. pretended to be sick: Yes
059. left the country: No
060. tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it: No
061. cried over the silliest thing: No
062. ran a mile: No
063. went to the beach with your best friend(s): No
064. got into an argument with your friends: No
065. hated someone: Yes
066. done something good for someone else: Yes

067. Eating → Nothing
068. Drinking → Dr Pepper
069. I’m about to → watch TV
070. Listening to → Nothing
071. Plans for today → None
072. Waiting for → Piano Lesson

073. Want kids? → unsure
074. Want to get married? → Maybe
075. Careers in mind → Barrister
076. Lips or eyes →
077. Shorter or taller? → Taller
078. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → Stomach
080. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → Hesitant

083. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes
084. Ran away from home → No
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → No
086. Killed somebody → No
087. Broken someone’s heart → No
088. Rejected someone’s call on purpose → Yes
089. Cried when someone died → yes

090. Yourself → No
091. Miracles → No
092. Love at first sight → No
093. Heaven → No
094. Santa Claus → No
095. Sex on the first date → Yes
096. Kiss on the first date → Yes

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → No
099. Do you believe in God → No
