Fans contacting DA / Atty.Gen. / Governor / President

Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

Bravo! :clapping: I love MJ fans. :wub: We are seriously an amazing group of people. :yes:
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

here is my email


We the fans want justice for Michael. We know the truth. We know he was murdered. And we know this entire murder involves more than just Dr. Murray. There are too many strange coincidences, odd behaviors, and contradicting stories for Michael’s death to be an accident. Whichever charges you choose to file, we know the truth, and we will not give up until justice is served. We are not asking for justice. We are demanding it.

For those who know the truth, an involuntary manslaughter charge is almost unbelievable. Michael was manipulated, then murdered. Us fans, around the world know that.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I sent a E-mail to the LAPD since i cant call them.i feel we all need to voice our thoughts and demands with this case. lets hope it all works.
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

I wrote to both the LAPD and DA (thanks for the DA email - just sent that one now). I hope I worded mine appropriately. So nervous! LOL

To Whom it May Concern:

I feel I must voice my opinion regarding the insanity surrounding the way the Michael Jackson case is being handled. Dr. Conrad Murray should be arrested. Why is so much time being allowed to pass before this takes place? This man is responsible for taking the life of another human being, someone who is very much beloved by people GLOBALLY. Years ago no time was wasted in handcuffing and arresting Michael Jackson, an innocent man, before the world. Why is Dr. Murray's arrest the subject of so much confusion and stalling? Do it already. Michael's children, family, friends and fans only want justice and we want the process to begin already. Enough politics. It's already bad enough that he will probably only end up getting a slap on the wrist for what he did. Remember a precious life was wrongly cut short at the hands of another.

Brooklyn, NY
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

..........Great job with the calling and e-mailing!!!:D:yes::wub:
I did e-mail the D.A:yes::D:yes:
Dunno if he is gonna respond,but hey anything for my Mikey!!!:wub::D:wub::yes:
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

Heres the email i just sent. I'll be planning on sending more soon.

To Whom this may Concern,

I would like to voice my concerns of the Michael Jackson case. Iam of course a long time devoted Michael Jackson fan who has been grieving over my dear michael's passing.I among all the millions of fans and michael's family just want to see michael get the justice he truly deserves. The handleing of this case has all of very concerned as to weather this case is being treated the way all other cases get treated. I personaly want to see Dr. Conrad Murray behind bars and never see the light of day again.What has more concered is the way this is all being treated. I dont like the fact that Dr. Murray has not been arrested or charged. I also dont like the fact that He is being allowed to surrender instead of being arrested. Now when Michael was accoused of crimes he did not commit it took the LAPD hours to arrest and ramsack Michael's home like it was a crime scene. Being a very devoted Michael fan it makes me angry to see that this is not being taken serouisly. Please i ask that not only Murray be arrested and not only a much higher bail since the police were so kind to make michael pay 3 million for his and the person who kills him only gets 25,000?? Im sorry that is just wrong! Remmeber the fans are watching and so are Michael's family and his innocent children are watching. They deserve justice more then anyone. They have to grow up without their father and that is just the most heartbreaking thing. Please give Michael and his family justice. the manslaugher charge is such a slap in the face to them and the fans. We feel Murray needs to be charged with Murder. He knew what was he doing and he didnt care. he broke the law and his outh. evidence or not about whatever charge anyone with half a brain knows that he was murdered. Please think of Prince, Paris and Blanket. They need it more. Thank you.

Shawn M. 26
St.Louis Missouri
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

I also dont like the fact that He is being allowed to surrender instead of being arrested. Now when Michael was accoused of crimes he did not commit it took the LAPD hours to arrest and ramsack Michael's home like it was a crime scene.
Shawn M. 26
St.Louis Missouri
Actually, SBPD was the one that arrested and handcuffed Michael.
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

Whoa your emails sound all so good. I feel pretty silly with my one already, because I really didn't know where to start and what to say and be polite... and because english is not my first language... anyway, here it is (...oh and btw just got a mail from them, but it's an automatic one about that the mail will be retried for 2 more days) -oh and btw 2nd I said "I would like to speak for the european fans" because I didn't know how many would send a mail too, just don't want anyone to think that I pretend to be a spokesperson)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to speak for the european Michael Jacksons fans and would like to express our concern about Conrad Murray.

After almost 8 months of waiting we hoped that today, friday, would be the day for Justice to begin. But still nothing happened. We do not claim that the LAPD is not doing their work correctly - quite the contrary.

But we are concerned, since we fans know how Michael has been treated in 2003 before being charged and after all being innocent, compared to Conrad Murray who injected the lethal dose, being treated not comparable but hearing (from the press and tabloids) that he is going to have an own reality show, giving autographs and even visting Michael resting place and being spotted accidently by ET. I know, you have nothing do to with this media stunts, but I just want to express our concern.

In hope that justice will prevail

Best regards
Jennifer A.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

Those comments disgusted me too! So when it's Michael nobody cares how it effects was all one big game. But when you actually kill somebody, they take stuff into account. I missing something?

That's America for you, where only the real criminals are better treated than Joe Public with a low paying job.
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

I sent this fax to the DA's office

To Whom it may concern:

It has been months since Michael Jackson was killed by Mr. Murray. The fans and family have been patiently awaiting charges and an arrest. In the past there have been occssions where justice has taken a backseat to media bias. Mr. Jackson was not just an entertainer he was a human being. Some don't want to think of him that way but he was. He was a kind sensative loving human being that deserves justice even in death.

His children along wigh millions of Michael Jackson fans need to believe that you will do right by him because in the past he was falsely accused arrested and bail was set at 3 million dollars. I hope it is not true that this man Murray bail is only 25,000. Is that all Mr. Jackson's LIFE was worth? The world is watching. We are putting our faith in YOU that you will do right by him and his family. I know you will.
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

Just sent my email:

To whom it may concern:

I am among the many concerned Michael Jackson fans that want to express their feelings about this case and the surrender of Conrad Murray. I would first like to say how astonished I am that it's taken a little over 7 months to even file the charges! And about the charges... Involuntary Manslaughter? Is that it? I'm more than positive that all of the choices Mr. Murray made that day were not accidental. He consciously made every decision administer Propofol to Michael Jackson outside of a hospital setting, to not have the proper monitering equipment with him, to wrongly perform CPR on a bed (although he claims to be a cardiologist, who should be a professional), and to make 3 other phonecalls and wait over an hour before calling 911. None of that happens accidentally. It most certainly was not "involuntary". None of it!

The second thing that upsets me is the issue of Murray's surrender. Did he really negotiate with the DA so he wouldn't have to be handcuffed or take the "perp walk"? Why should he get any special treatment? In 2003, the police had no problem with handcuffing Michael Jackson after his surrender to charges that he was completely innocent of. Why should an innocent man's reputation be dragged through the mud? I know that Murray is innocent until proven guilty, but at least be fair! He does not deserve special treatment. A man's life was lost because of the consciously bad decisions made by his doctor.

We want justice!

Thank you for your time.
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

My letter was short and sweet...

To Whom It May Concern,

Dr. Conrad Murray is a suspected criminal of a homicide and should be treated like every other common suspected criminal. Murray should be cuffed, read Miranda rights, and taken into custody. As a tax paying citizen I expect him to be treated like every suspected criminal that you arrest. If this doctor (who again I stress is the primary suspect in a homicide case) is given preferential treatment, then people who have been arrested in California should sue the LAPD, the Los Angeles District Attorney Office and the State of California for unequal treatment/equal protection under the law.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

Bravo! :clapping: I love MJ fans. :wub: We are seriously an amazing group of people. :yes:

I think I can really feel free to say that we MJ fans are really some of the best fans all over the world! :)

...or maybe even the best?... :)
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

This is my e-mail..

To Whom it may concern,
I am writing this e-mail on behalf of the Michael Jackson case, I believe that Conrad Murray should of been arrested by now.
Only in LA can a man who took the life of another negotiate his own arrest....he has chosen to surrender and you are accommodating him...I dont understand why. Also his bail is is only 25,000...that is an Michael..the man that Murray killed. Michael was taken away from his 3 beautiful children, his family and us his fans...these past 7 months have not been easy on anyone, Michael deserves justice for what has been wrongly done to him...for once in his life..please give it to him...please charge Murray with the greater charge, Make him have to be handcuffed and brought in front of millions of people like Michael had to do.....Please restore my faith in the justice system and do the right thing for once.
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office


February 6, 2010

To the L.A. District Attorney’s Office:

I write due to concerns about the prosecution of Dr. Conrad Murray. Due to the severity of the alleged crimes committed by Dr. Murray resulting in the death of his patient, Mr. Michael Jackson on June 24-25, 2009, I believe a single charge of involuntary manslaughter is insufficient punishment for the crimes committed.

All sources indicate Dr. Murray will be charged with involuntary manslaughter this Monday, February 8, 2009. Statements regarding deals being made so that Dr. Murray need not be arrested and be seen handcuffed flood the news. Looking back to the 2005 arrest of the victim in this case, Mr. Michael Jackson, I remember the prosecution team’s insistence that Mr. Jackson be arrested, handcuffed and taken by police to Santa Maria in a police vehicle to be officially charged with his alleged crime. Mr. Jackson was not offered an opportunity to avoid humiliation of public arrest by a private surrender to the court. If there is to be equal treatment under the law, this offer cannot be afforded to Dr. Murray. This case is not about a parking ticket. Dr. Murray is responsible for the death of a man. No mention of any charges other than that of involuntary manslaughter have been made by the media. While I am not in agreement with the decision of your office not to pursue murder charges, I hope and have faith that Dr. Murray will be charged with additional crimes; crimes perhaps more severe and disturbing. I am concerned that evidence of additional crimes is being put aside in order for your office to successfully convict Dr. Murray of a single crime, a lesser charge if you will. Dr. Murray’s negligence and his actions in the medical treatment and mistreatment of Mr. Michael Jackson extend beyond gross negligence and need to be prosecuted as such.

In 2005, the victim in this case, Mr. Michael Jackson, was charged with any and every possible crime related to his alleged actions. The prosecution ended its case against Mr. Jackson by sending the jury to deliberate fourteen individual counts, many of which bordered on hilarity had they not effectively destroyed a man and his career. Allegations that Michael Jackson kidnapped a family and held them hostage at his estate thereby necessitating a need for them to plan escape via hot air balloon demonstrates the way in which prosecution teams use whatever they need to ensure a conviction. Of course, this case did not result in a conviction. It would be disturbing if Dr. Murray were to be charged only of involuntary manslaughter when the evidence points to additional crimes having been committed. Come Monday, I hope to see multiple counts filed. Dr. Murray’s actions on June 25, 2009, resulting in the death of Mr. Michael Jackson surpass a single charge of involuntary manslaughter. Dr. Murray was not only negligent, but also acted in a criminal manner due to the following:

  • Murray evaded questioning by police immediately following the pronouncement that Mr. Jackson had died.
  • Murray refused to sign Mr. Jackson’s death certificate even though the attending doctors stated that Mr. Jackson was dead upon arrival. Additionally, the paramedics arriving on the crime scene state that Mr. Jackson was dead upon their arrival at his residence. They say they continued attempts at resuscitation only at the insistence of Dr. Murray;
  • Murray fled the hospital once Mr. Jackson’s death was official, presumably due to his realization of culpability;
  • Murray returned to Mr. Jackson’s residence and removed evidence from a known crime scene;
  • When interviewed by police days after Mr. Jackson’s death, Murray withheld key details and lied outright about his actions during June 24-25, 2009;
  • Murray obstructed justice in the investigation of a homicide by providing a false timeline to police investigators;
  • Murray further obstructed justice by providing false information regarding the dosage of drugs he administered to Mr. Jackson and in stating his inability to contact 911 emergency services since he was unaware of his whereabouts.
  • Murray withheld key details and information refuting claims that he could not contact emergency services evidenced by multiple phone calls from his cell phone and voicemail messages confirming his use of said phone at the same time he claims to have been attending to and attempting to resuscitate Mr. Jackson;
  • Murray indicated no knowledge of the source for obtaining Propofol when pharmacy records trace the ordering of the drug to his residence(s);
  • Murray instructed his employees to remove additional Propofol from storage and to also remove evidence related to the means of his obtaining Propofol;
  • Murray delayed medical attention that may have saved Mr. Jackson’s life, choosing to spend the small window of time in which Mr. Jackson’s life may have been saved to protect his own interests while neglecting his patient’s dire need for emergency services;
  • Murray withheld information regarding his knowledge of the drug Propofol;
  • With prior knowledge of the medical equipment and monitoring requirements for the safe administration of Propofol, and by not providing these requirements, Murray demonstrated blatant disregard for the safety and the life of his patient; and
  • Murray broke the guiding principle and oath of his profession, “Do no harm.”

Herein lies the necessity that Dr. Murray be prosecuted for all crimes he may have committed and that he be punished for these crimes to the full extent of the law, not because Michael Jackson was MORE important that every other human being, but precisely the opposite; because Michael Jackson was AS important as every other human being.

With the responsibility bestowed upon the judicial branch of government by the Constitution, and under the Constitution’s provision for equal rights and treatment of all US citizens, Dr. Conrad Murray needs to be prosecuted for any and all crimes he may have committed. In fairness under the law, Dr. Conrad Murray needs to be prosecuted in an equal manner and fashion to that of his peers. Prosecute Dr. Murray as Mr. Jackson was prosecuted in the State of California vs. Mr. Michael J. Jackson. To do so, your office will need to charge Dr. Murray with any possible crime that may have ever been committed based on the flimsiest of evidence, regardless of how asinine any charge may appear. While being facetious in saying so, I nonetheless speak clearly to the necessity of fairness and equality.

Dr. Conrad Murray’s crimes must not go unpunished. Murray is not a victim in this case. Mr. Michael Jackson, his devastated children and family, his bereaved friends, and his legion of heartbroken fans are all victims of the crimes committed by Dr. Murray. I trust and have faith that your office will use every legal weapon in your arsenal to ensure that Conrad Murray is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and be prosecuted for all of the laws he has violated resulting in the death of Michael Jackson.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I too have sent an e-mail....I hope that they get it now...I hope they understand that we are watching them and they need to make the right decisions..
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office


February 6, 2010

To the L.A. District Attorney’s Office:

I write due to concerns about the prosecution of Dr. Conrad Murray. Due to the severity of the alleged crimes committed by Dr. Murray resulting in the death of his patient, Mr. Michael Jackson on June 24-25, 2009, I believe a single charge of involuntary manslaughter is insufficient punishment for the crimes committed.

All sources indicate Dr. Murray will be charged with involuntary manslaughter this Monday, February 8, 2009. Statements regarding deals being made so that Dr. Murray need not be arrested and be seen handcuffed flood the news. Looking back to the 2005 arrest of the victim in this case, Mr. Michael Jackson, I remember the prosecution team’s insistence that Mr. Jackson be arrested, handcuffed and taken by police to Santa Maria in a police vehicle to be officially charged with his alleged crime. Mr. Jackson was not offered an opportunity to avoid humiliation of public arrest by a private surrender to the court. If there is to be equal treatment under the law, this offer cannot be afforded to Dr. Murray. This case is not about a parking ticket. Dr. Murray is responsible for the death of a man. No mention of any charges other than that of involuntary manslaughter have been made by the media. While I am not in agreement with the decision of your office not to pursue murder charges, I hope and have faith that Dr. Murray will be charged with additional crimes; crimes perhaps more severe and disturbing. I am concerned that evidence of additional crimes is being put aside in order for your office to successfully convict Dr. Murray of a single crime, a lesser charge if you will. Dr. Murray’s negligence and his actions in the medical treatment and mistreatment of Mr. Michael Jackson extend beyond gross negligence and need to be prosecuted as such.

In 2005, the victim in this case, Mr. Michael Jackson, was charged with any and every possible crime related to his alleged actions. The prosecution ended its case against Mr. Jackson by sending the jury to deliberate fourteen individual counts, many of which bordered on hilarity had they not effectively destroyed a man and his career. Allegations that Michael Jackson kidnapped a family and held them hostage at his estate thereby necessitating a need for them to plan escape via hot air balloon demonstrates the way in which prosecution teams use whatever they need to ensure a conviction. Of course, this case did not result in a conviction. It would be disturbing if Dr. Murray were to be charged only of involuntary manslaughter when the evidence points to additional crimes having been committed. Come Monday, I hope to see multiple counts filed. Dr. Murray’s actions on June 25, 2009, resulting in the death of Mr. Michael Jackson surpass a single charge of involuntary manslaughter. Dr. Murray was not only negligent, but also acted in a criminal manner due to the following:

  • Murray evaded questioning by police immediately following the pronouncement that Mr. Jackson had died.
  • Murray refused to sign Mr. Jackson’s death certificate even though the attending doctors stated that Mr. Jackson was dead upon arrival. Additionally, the paramedics arriving on the crime scene state that Mr. Jackson was dead upon their arrival at his residence. They say they continued attempts at resuscitation only at the insistence of Dr. Murray;
  • Murray fled the hospital once Mr. Jackson’s death was official, presumably due to his realization of culpability;
  • Murray returned to Mr. Jackson’s residence and removed evidence from a known crime scene;
  • When interviewed by police days after Mr. Jackson’s death, Murray withheld key details and lied outright about his actions during June 24-25, 2009;
  • Murray obstructed justice in the investigation of a homicide by providing a false timeline to police investigators;
  • Murray further obstructed justice by providing false information regarding the dosage of drugs he administered to Mr. Jackson and in stating his inability to contact 911 emergency services since he was unaware of his whereabouts.
  • Murray withheld key details and information refuting claims that he could not contact emergency services evidenced by multiple phone calls from his cell phone and voicemail messages confirming his use of said phone at the same time he claims to have been attending to and attempting to resuscitate Mr. Jackson;
  • Murray indicated no knowledge of the source for obtaining Propofol when pharmacy records trace the ordering of the drug to his residence(s);
  • Murray instructed his employees to remove additional Propofol from storage and to also remove evidence related to the means of his obtaining Propofol;
  • Murray delayed medical attention that may have saved Mr. Jackson’s life, choosing to spend the small window of time in which Mr. Jackson’s life may have been saved to protect his own interests while neglecting his patient’s dire need for emergency services;
  • Murray withheld information regarding his knowledge of the drug Propofol;
  • With prior knowledge of the medical equipment and monitoring requirements for the safe administration of Propofol, and by not providing these requirements, Murray demonstrated blatant disregard for the safety and the life of his patient; and
  • Murray broke the guiding principle and oath of his profession, “Do no harm.”

Herein lies the necessity that Dr. Murray be prosecuted for all crimes he may have committed and that he be punished for these crimes to the full extent of the law, not because Michael Jackson was MORE important that every other human being, but precisely the opposite; because Michael Jackson was AS important as every other human being.

With the responsibility bestowed upon the judicial branch of government by the Constitution, and under the Constitution’s provision for equal rights and treatment of all US citizens, Dr. Conrad Murray needs to be prosecuted for any and all crimes he may have committed. In fairness under the law, Dr. Conrad Murray needs to be prosecuted in an equal manner and fashion to that of his peers. Prosecute Dr. Murray as Mr. Jackson was prosecuted in the State of California vs. Mr. Michael J. Jackson. To do so, your office will need to charge Dr. Murray with any possible crime that may have ever been committed based on the flimsiest of evidence, regardless of how asinine any charge may appear. While being facetious in saying so, I nonetheless speak clearly to the necessity of fairness and equality.

Dr. Conrad Murray’s crimes must not go unpunished. Murray is not a victim in this case. Mr. Michael Jackson, his devastated children and family, his bereaved friends, and his legion of heartbroken fans are all victims of the crimes committed by Dr. Murray. I trust and have faith that your office will use every legal weapon in your arsenal to ensure that Conrad Murray is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and be prosecuted for all of the laws he has violated resulting in the death of Michael Jackson.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

No offense to anyone here, but it is not wise to jam the DA and LAPD's phone lines. If someone is trying to call in on tip on another case or important information, they will not be able to get through and that is kind of selfish, imo.

Besides, the LAPD does not response to these kind of things. They will just lump you all into the crazy file and keep going on their way. The will charge and arrest Murray when they are ready. We just have to wait.

They responded to my call and transfered it to the DA. Regardless, they got the message that we are watching them.
I will keep calling them again and again. 911 is for emergencies. The direct phone # posted here in NOT.
Keep calling fan's!!!
Last edited:
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

They responded to my call and transfered it tot the DA. Regardless, they gor the message that we are watching them.
I will keep calling them again and again. 911 is for emergencies. The direct phone # posted here in NOT.
Keep calling fan's!!!

That's right. It says on the website, for NONE EMERGENCY CALLS to call that number...and so we are.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I never ever knew a person can go to court and be charged but avoid being handcuffed, mugshot and a ride in a police cruiser...that must be a new law CMURRAY and Co. made up this week.
And yet, the smoking gum website has our Michael's mugshot on it for the entire world to see and he did nothing wrong.

I think the family/estate should get that Sh!t erased off that site, pronto!
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I too have call and sent an e-mail. Let see what happened.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I want (he whose name I will never say) to serve some time. :mat:

Ok this comment caught me as funny.

Dr. Murray has turned in to Lord Voldemort!

"He-who-must-not-be-named" is now and forever Dr. Murray's name.

lol oh oh ok sorry *wipes tear from eye* haha ok go on go on sorry.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

so proud i could
cry luv the statement she said
about michael being handcuffed
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I just sent an e-mail as well.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I never ever knew a person can go to court and be charged but avoid being handcuffed, mugshot and a ride in a police cruiser...that must be a new law CMURRAY and Co. made up this week.
And yet, the smoking gum website has our Michael's mugshot on it for the entire world to see and he did nothing wrong.

I think the family/estate should get that Sh!t erased off that site, pronto!

Some departments share mugshots to TV shows and others don't. There are plenty celeb mugshots that have never seen the light of day.

And I hate Mike's mugshot, he look so scared. :cry: And It makes me cry at how he was treated.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

They responded to my call and transfered it to the DA. Regardless, they got the message that we are watching them.
I will keep calling them again and again. 911 is for emergencies. The direct phone # posted here in NOT.
Keep calling fan's!!!

People call the DA and the LAPD to give them tips sometimes on certain cases. For example, if new information was found out in regards to Michael's case and someone wanted to phone to tip in without give themselves away, they call the LAPD and tell them what they know and how they can find out more without given their identity away. This is done so the people won't find out who snitch on them.

Which is why it is kind of selfish to block the line since those people can't get through and might decided it is not worth the trouble. It is best to think long term instead of given in to short term emotions.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I never ever knew a person can go to court and be charged but avoid being handcuffed, mugshot and a ride in a police cruiser...that must be a new law CMURRAY and Co. made up this week.
And yet, the smoking gum website has our Michael's mugshot on it for the entire world to see and he did nothing wrong.

I think the family/estate should get that Sh!t erased off that site, pronto!

Actually, you can turn yourself in the US without the cops arresting you and dragging you in with your handcuff. This is not uncommon. This is not something they just do for Murray. Mugshots, however, are require by everyone, however, and they are usually leak if the person is question is famous.

Mugshots are also public domain so the family and estate cannot do anything about Michael's mugshot being posted. The same goes for anyone. If you wanted to put Murray's mugshot as the opening sig for this site, you can do it and he can't do anything about it.
Re: Emails from Fans to the DA office

Everyone make sure to write "The Michael Jackson Case" in the subject line so they know what it's about without even opening it.
Re: fans flooded phone lines at DA/LAPD demanding Murray be "handcuffed"

I think I can really feel free to say that we MJ fans are really some of the best fans all over the world! :)

...or maybe even the best?... :)

The best! :yes::yes::yes: