[RUMOUR]Michael Jackson To Appear At MTV VMAs?

I saw the awards last night too, and once again it was a joke. I never expected MJ to be there in the first place, but I was curious about what was going to happen in general. I thought the whole sound stage look of that main area was horrible, they did way better stuff on their back lot.

It's a good thing that Britney seems to be getting a little back to normal, but I feel like her awards were pity awards, and a ploy to get at least one controversial person to their show. We all know the ratings have been going down and they are trying to get them back. Well, not like that.

Furthermore, I hardly knew anyone on the show, I'm out of touch with today's artists and they all seem to be doing the same thing. And is it me, or are they getting younger every year?? The host's joke about MJ was not only directed towards him, also Madonna. Funny how they did have to use those 2 when referencing to MTV's old glory days. The whole world knows they wouldn't be where they are without these artists. It's just the popular thing to do, to make fun of them. I think most artists are above that. Hell most artists that are worth their salt weren't even there. It's just another event for people like Paris Hilton to get another paycheck by showing up and for that Wentz and Simpson to make sure everybody knows they're married and having a kid. I just can't take it seriously. Everybody is there for the after parties anyway.

Award shows are just not the same anymore, anywhere. That goes for MTV, the Grammys, The Oscar's, etc. I think the explanation is the decline of both industries. The quality has gone down, music isn't the same anymore, and everything is so damn corporate now, it's sickening sometimes.

Oh well, just my 2 cents. Or I guess that adds up to about a dollar. :)
And that loser from that god aweful band "Fall Out Boy" made a crack about him and Lisa Marie. Bunch of assholes

So, they are assholes because they didn't support that terrible kiss from the VMAs back in 1994? Please. Pete Wentz was clearly joking. That is all. I wouldn't lower my I.Q. and call them "aasholes". We all heard far worse things about MJ. As for Russell Brand, the guy is not funny, his hair looks like trash and Joe did hit his children. Maybe if some of these so called "stars" had an ass whooping as children, they would actually put something meaniful on the table instead of forgettable trash music.

Award shows are just not the same anymore, anywhere. That goes for MTV, the Grammys, The Oscar's, etc.

Exactly. These award shows are not even the same anymore. Hell, entertainment is not the same anymore. In 20 years, who are going to be relevant in all types of entertainment? Think about it. It is not going to be the "hot stars" of today. These young kids have no idea what is entertainment. Everything is for money, not the fun of it. You guys should have watch Serena Williams winning the US Open. Now THAT'S entertainment. A young woman with talent and poise, killing it on the tennis court. I can't say the same thing about today's so called "stars".
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Exactly, Pete Wentz was joking people. He was readnig the teleprompter anyway.

Pete Wentz's band Fall Out Boy just did the tribute song and video to "Beat It', doesn't anyone remember that? Sheesh! He's clearly a fan, ease up! I thought the joke was cute.
i saw a pic of preze Hilton wearing a suit made of pj cloth he is imitating Michael ?? stupid
well as i ve been saying yesterday proves once again why i dony want my kid to wacht mtv and such stations and yes i am old fashion i dont see why children have to learn that live and music is all about half naked and sexy
once music was all about talent giftsd sounds voices boy do i mis the old days

Yeah, the old days of Madonna being half naked and sexy.

I knew the show would suck. This is why so many of us were so vocal about him not appearing on there. I honestly didn't get how anyone could say he should appear. I don't think an award show has fallen off more than this one has.
You're totally right AngieJ. The show is a disgrace and Michael shouldn't ever go on it. MTV is such a complete joke now and is basically the definition of what is wrong with the music industry today. They don't deserve anything from Michael, not a damn thing. They continue to spit on him, at the same time they're begging him to come on their show. I haven't seen one of these pathetic VMA shows for the last several years where there wasn't at least ONE joke about Michael. I don't care if Pete Weinz or however you spell his name is a fan or if they butchered "Beat It", he still said the joke. Nobody's got any integrity. They'll do what they're told just to fit in. MTV is dying and Michael doesn't need them in the least. Like I said, they don't even play videos, so why would he care whether they rotated his videos or not, even if they agreed to, they wouldn't get played any how.
I don't think an award show has fallen off more than this one has.

That is very true. Every year it tops itself as being trashy and more trashy. I mean, what was that last night? LOL. The show now uses Perez Hilton's "expertise" to see who can win a moonman. What does a gossip bitch know about music anyway? This is what I mean. I am so glad MJ didn't waste his time on that trash award show. I bet you he was partying it up in Vegas or spending some quality time with his three children or in the studio creating a masterpiece, something these so called "stars" knows nothing about.
I think the show looked cheap in many ways. It's a far cry from what it once used to be.
That is very true. Every year it tops itself as being trashy and more trashy. I mean, what was that last night? LOL. The show now uses Perez Hilton's "expertise" to see who can win a moonman. What does a gossip bitch know about music anyway? This is what I mean. I am so glad MJ didn't waste his time on that trash award show. I bet you he was partying it up in Vegas or spending some quality time with his three children or in the studio creating a masterpiece, something these so called "stars" knows nothing about.

You bring up a pertinent point here though. What DOES Perez know about music? Nothing, but he knows about celebs, which tells you exactly what the industry and society is based around nowadays. Around celebs, marketable people. Not real musicians. That's why someone like Perez can be on that show and praise Britney for winning 3 awards, after trashing her on his site for months. This is how 2-faced everything is now, it's not about integrity or quality anymore. It's what gets talked about, what gets ratings.

In today's day and age, it doesn't have to be good to work, it just has to be juicy.
OK everyone!!!

Glad he did not goto MTV VID AWARDS , but he may come to the European Music Awards, its November 7th and gives him time to finish off bit more of projects he is working on, also, Europe IS his biggest market, The European MTV has treated him far better than USA , sorry but true!

Also!! the biggest for me!! ITS BEING HELD IN LIVERPOOL!! and Michael you know you wanted to come back to *beatles city* YOU TOLD ME!! lol

Hopefully this could be showcase for *hold my hand* or another new single !! or both.



The UK?? the U K?? You have to be KIDDING me right?? THe U.K. was practically the country that COINED the phrase "***** *****"!!
The UK?? the U K?? You have to be KIDDING me right?? THe U.K. was practically the country that COINED the phrase "***** *****"!!

Lol @ the jealousy in this post. Just because someone has said they think he may show up to an award show here in the UK. Hahaha
Lol @ the jealousy in this post. Just because someone has said they think he may show up to an award show here in the UK. Hahaha

Fact of the matter, for your information, is that the United Kingdom COINED the 2 word phrase that they associate with MJ that rhymes with Smacko. Noticed that the WHOLE JACKSON family TRASHED the idea of a "reality show" in Devon, didn't you?
RESPECT. THAT is ALL that MJ wants. He has MORE HITS more MASSIVE HITS than ELVIS....he's a significant figure that is tired of the PUT-DOWNS and the JOKES. IF they want him, they are going to have to GET DOWN ON THEIR KNEES and BEG for him.
RESPECT. THAT is ALL that MJ wants. He has MORE HITS more MASSIVE HITS than ELVIS....he's a significant figure that is tired of the PUT-DOWNS and the JOKES. IF they want him, they are going to have to GET DOWN ON THEIR KNEES and BEG for him.

Hmm... I like that. *gets all Paris Hilton* That's hot. Tee hee hee!
One thing is for sure, and that is that the MTV Europe Awards are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the VMAs, I have NO problem with MJ going there.
If its true the EMA is been held in Liverpool then that is great news,I wouldnt be surprised If Michael turned up cause the fan base in the UK is HUGE but if Michael doesnt turn up then i wouldnt be surprised after what happened in London 2006 at the WMA.
If its true the EMA is been held in Liverpool then that is great news,I wouldnt be surprised If Michael turned up cause the fan base in the UK is HUGE but if Michael doesnt turn up then i wouldnt be surprised after what happened in London 2006 at the WMA.

You mean where he came out and sang a few bars of we are the children at the end even though he wasnt
even schedules to perform and the crowd went insane and into a frenzy _ I thought it was great _ of course
the tabloids reported different _ but thats nothing new - they always downgrade and bash his appearances _

The fans loved it :)

You mean where he came out and sang a few bars of we are the children at the end even though he wasnt
even schedules to perform and the crowd went insane and into a frenzy _ I thought it was great _ of course
the tabloids reported different _ but thats nothing new - they always downgrade and bash his appearances _

The fans loved it :)

No I meant how the WMA messed the arrangments up and cut off Mikes vocals on the Microphone cause it had reached 11pm and the show had to end not a Minute over.Performance and appreance wise Mike was just electric and the whole awards ceremony and the night belonged to MJ.
No offence but how does anyone get the impression Michael told them (MTV) where go?
How do we know he was even asked?
Apart fom what was rumoured in that article a month or so ago?

Actually MTV themselves said they were "in talks" with MJ.... I heard it on MTV news a few days ago..

The whole award show was a REAL JOKE!!!:bugeyed lol... The VMAs used to be so much more interesting and a good range of artists... This was absolute crap. They had artists like Rihana singing twice! They used to have so many artists that u cant even fit into in one show. Britey (bless her) winning best video over Chris Brown was so hard to believe! And what was that ending with Kanye's song??:doh: A real anti-climax imo.. The moment you see such a small audience in a small TV show set type hall u know its gona be a flop.... 25th VMA Aniv was a night NOT to remember imo...lol

My fav bit were when that presenter (cant remmember her name) came onto stage without the mic! hehe...
And the best one was when Paris was cluelessly staring to her left and didnt realise the que card screen (or wut ever u call it) was to her right. hehe!! :doh:
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or how the fans were upset w/ bain, blamed her for mj not attending party, mj not being able to sing b/c the noise ordinance, and fans getting pissy cuz their 'experience' was gipped....? that drama or is there another?
Actually MTV themselves said they were "in talks" with MJ.... I heard it on MTV news a few days ago..
So what? Even if they knew he wouldn't come, sure they would say ...he "might" come. They need him so much more than he really needs them. They need attention. They need a great breath-taking performance or at least a scandal.
The whole show was lame, as boring as I expected it to be. It's pure Trash TV and I'm glad I didn't watch it that night.
the MTV VMA's sucked SOOO MUCH!!! Thank Gawd that Michael didn't show up... and THAT host.. OMG!!! he's like the WORST HOST EVER!!!.... and I laugh easily too!>. but mayn this guy's jokes where like.. WAH WAH WAH... I swear I can hear crickets i the beginning.. and I like him too in the movie.."Forgetting Sarah Marshall"... I think Christina Aguilera and Kanye West had pretty good performances!!!...

BUt yeah I was so happy that Michael didn't come.!!! It was just so Ghetto!
you mean where he came out and sang a few bars of we are the children at the end even though he wasnt
even schedules to perform and the crowd went insane and into a frenzy _ i thought it was great _ of course
the tabloids reported different _ but thats nothing new - they always downgrade and bash his appearances _

the fans loved it :)

everytime i watch that i get chills. The frenzy he causes still blows my mind
You bring up a pertinent point here though. What DOES Perez know about music? Nothing, but he knows about celebs, which tells you exactly what the industry and society is based around nowadays. Around celebs, marketable people. Not real musicians. That's why someone like Perez can be on that show and praise Britney for winning 3 awards, after trashing her on his site for months. This is how 2-faced everything is now, it's not about integrity or quality anymore. It's what gets talked about, what gets ratings.

Exactly right. That is why things are just not the same anymore and no one cares about good anything anymore. You hit the nail.