New Pics Of MJ! From Christian Audigier's bday @ LA (Pics And Video In 1st Post ~ HQ pics on pg. 29)

mmmm mmmmm MMMMMM
Mike got one fine lookin' body guard :wild:

Break me off a piece of that chocolate lollipop :chichi:

^that one right therrrrrre
:rofl: MJ has some of the baddest mother guarding him. That's what I mean about MJ's divaish.:D

Oh my, look at that smile!! :shock2:

*comes to take another look at the pic*

Please forgive me, but I just can't control myself anymore... He looks so incredibly sexy!!! :wild:

*wipes off the drool*

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What great Photos and videos :kickass2:

Thankyou to everyone who has shared :)
OMG Michael looks stunning, i knew something big would happen regardeing MJ while i would be on Holiday but its nice to see him going out and about and NOT WEARING SUN GLASSES :D good on you mike
MJ is sooooooooo cute and sweet.
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Thanks for more pics!
& I just wanted to say how nice is to see him without sunglasses :D
We truly love when somethings going on.

858 posts in 3 days, can't wait till the album drops.
Extended News Report

The footage below is professionally shot and includes an alternate angle of Michael's entrance/exit including the few seconds of 'dance' at the end. The report itself is not in English, and the MJ portion does not begin until 3:30. Warning, the "naked lady" is also displayed briefly in this report, just a heads up ;).

Thanks for the video TSMC! the dancing part is great :woohoo:...can't wait for a new performance
ah man! he looks amazing! I was in Las Vegas this weekend, was on the look out but seeing that there were about a million people there as well I didn't have any high hopes. Although I roamed the Forum shops a bit. lol Great pics, thanks for sharing!!
he does indeed look so much better than he has done in recent years. Healthy, happy, postively beaming. And that little dance move at the end clearly has potential for a brand new album, video, who knows, stuffs gonna drop soon man, i CAN FEEL IT
thanks for more pictures, they are lovely :)..... I CAN FEEL IT too lol
I must say, MJ looks absolutely fantastic, fabulous, and radiant! And not just here, but in most all of the pics posted these last few days.

The footage of that bit of dancing is sooooo encouraging and reassuring, to say the least.

Thanks to TSCM for posting the vid, and to everyone who's been swamping us with these treats. To all of you, thank you from the abyss of my heart. lol
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! THE VIDEO!!! :stretcher: Michael looked awesome in the pictures but to see him on film, moving and BEAMING....that is just AMAZING!!!! AAAAAAAAH GOD!!! :stretcher And to see him DANCE again...even just for a couple of seconds...makes ME wanna dance!!! *borrows MJ's line from Bad Tour* I THINK I WANNA ROCK!!!!!!!!! :lol: Ah, I wanna see Michael again...SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*goes to crank up MJ's music so that she can dance to it for a couple of hours* :kickass: :lol: